Textbook on Industrial Microbiology

GS Kocher, Keshani Bhushan, Pooja Nikhanj


Industrial Microbiology is a branch of Microbiology that makes use of microorganisms for producing industrial products in bulk thus influencing industries related with food, pharmaceuticals, fuel etc. Therefore, a complete understanding of metabolic, physiology and genetic characteristics of industrial microorganisms is pertinent for their successful application at a bigger scale. Hence, this textbook has been written to impart basic and applied knowledge of industrial microorganisms as per the contents specified by the 5th Dean’s committee.


• Efforts have been made to describe methods in isolating. Maintaining and genetic improvement of industrial microorganisms. Besides, a detailed description of fermenter makeup and their usage has been provided.
• The application of industrial microorganisms in producing fermented beverages, enzymes, foods, biofuels and pharmaceuticals like antibiotics, hormones etc. have been provided with suitable successful examples.
• Each chapter has been divided into sections and subsections with illustrations in the form of figures and tables so that the reader may grasp the subject easily. All the chapters have been written as per the prescribed syllabus for UG and PG courses in Industrial Microbiology.

• History and Development of Industrial Microbiology
• Isolation and Maintenance of Industrially Important Microorganisms
• Genetic Improvement of Industrially Important Microorganisms
• Fermentation Media and Sterilization
• Fermenters: Types and Configuration
• Types of Fermentation Systems-Batch, Fedbatch and Continuous
• Process Development and Fermentation Kinetics
• Downstream Processing and Recovery Of Products
• Product Development, Regulation and Safety
• Microbiology and Production of Alcoholic Beverages
• Organic Acids
• Amino Acids
• Vitamins
• Microbial Enzymes
• Antibiotics
• Probiotics
• Biofuels
• Bioplastics
• Steroid Transformation