This book offers a multidimensional approach to urban agriculture in terms of the technology development, adoption of technology, and its impact assessment to various cross sections of stakeholders, including researchers, academicians, progressive farmers, housewives and policy formulators. The detailed and analytical case studies conducted in different parts of India by the scientists of Agricultural and Veterinary universities edify the readers with the in-depth knowledge of principles, practices, and strategies of sustainable urban agricultural practices, which ultimately leads to resilient cities via sustainable
community efforts. The non-governmental organization has also a significant role in building resilience through urban agricultural practices as evidenced by the people’s resource center, New Delhi. This book offers a wide range of technology to its readers like management techniques of different crops especially vegetables, preparation of growth medium, soil-less medium, cropspecific ready-to-use nutrient-rich medium, use of nanotechnology, use of multinutrient tablets, etc. Therefore, this book has high relevance and is expected to further streamline the benefits derived from urban agriculture. The book is expected to validate the significance of urban agriculture as a proven solution to the challenges associated with globalization and human expansion. Moreover, it also identifies strategies for scaling up urban agriculture which may help policymakers in designing resilient cities. The role of urban agriculture in enhancing ecosystem services and efforts to streamline livelihood strategies are available in the book, which also offers some indication of the significance of poultry and livestock in urban and peri-urban areas through the last three chapters,
Meaning, Philosophy, Typology, and Scope of Urban Agriculture (UA)
Hi-Tech Kitchen Garden Models for Urban Area
Survey of Urban Agriculture in Delhi: Some Preliminary Insights
Diversication of Integrated Farming Systems under Marginal Households for Livelihood
and Nutritional Security
In Dearth of the Essential: Agriculture in Distant diaras of Patna
Urban Agriculture for Resilient and Sustainable Cities: The Case of Farming in the Yamuna
Floodplains of Delhi, India
Household Agriculture, A Promised Tool for Sustainable Urban Biodiversity Strategy- A
Case Study in Thiruvananthapuram City
A Homestead-based Integrated Farming System Model Supporting Eco-friendly Farming
Formulation of Crop-specic Ready-to-use Nutrient-based Growing Media for Urban
Exploring Production Capacity of Single Eyes and Sprouts of Potato in a Rooftop Garden
for Sustainable Urban Agriculture
Nutrient Management for Grow Bag Cultivation of Vegetables in Home Gardens using Multi-
Nutrient Tablets
Thermochemical Processing Technology An Innovation for Proper Solid Waste Management
Wicking Bed Irrigation: A Water-Smart Technique for Urban Home Gardens
Dwarf Wire-net Drum Method – An innovative Black Pepper Production and Propagation
Method for Urban Areas
Bio-synthesized Nanoparticles in Sustainable Urban Agriculture
Irrigation Scheduling and Water Productivity of Tomato under Controlled Condition
Novel Transparent Wood Composite as a Potential Greenhouse Covering Material
Suitability of Soilless Medium for Tomato Cultivation
Livestock as a Supporting Pillar for Sustainable Agriculture
Promotion of Tree Fodder Banks to Improve Quality Forage and Livestock Production in
Kerala- The Way Forward
Livestock in Urban Agriculture