Degraded Soil Management for Climate Resilient Agriculture

A.S. Mailappa


With limited resources and poor access to inputs, management of soil quality is essential to strengthen and sustain ecosystem services. Soil degradation is a 21st century global problem that is especially severe in the tropics and sub-tropics. Some estimates indicate that degradation decreased the soil ecosystem services by 70% between 1950 and 2020. Accelerated soil degradation has reportedly affected as much as 500 million hectare (Mha) in the tropics, and globally 33% of earth’s land surface is affected by various types of soil degradation. In addition to negatively impacting agronomic production, soil degradation can also dampen economic growth, especially in countries where agriculture is the engine for economic development. Over and above the environmental and economic impacts, there are also health risks of soil erosion and other degradation processes.

This unique book on “Degraded Soil Management for Climate Resilient Agriculture”, addresses the crucial aspects of the of soil quality and soil degradation, land degradation – types, characteristics and their restoration & management practices, nano-technological approaches for the remediation of polluted soils, quality of irrigation water, climate smart irrigation practices for sustainable agriculture, saline water management for climate resilience and remote sending and GIS in diagnosis and management of degraded soils, restoration of degraded soils using multipurpose trees (MPTs), land capability classification and land suitability classification and degraded soils under different agro-ecosystems.

This book comprises of seventeen chapters covering the various topics of degraded soils and their climate resilient management practices, and written in a very cogent, concise and comprehensive manner to meet the growing needs of UG & PG students of all SAUs/agricultural colleges.

The book would be of paramount importance for the graduate and post-graduate students and to those students appearing for various competitive examinations like JRF, SRF, ARS, NET and other competitive examinations, interview and viva-voice. It will definitely serve as a useful reference guide to the students, teachers, researchers scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders involved in soil science, agronomy, crop science, environmental sciences and agriculture.

Readership : Students / Teachers / Researchers / Practitioners of Agricultural Universities/Institutes, engaged in Teaching, Research and Extension activities related to Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and other allied disciplines.

• Soil Quality and Soil Degradation
• Land Degradation / Waste Lands
• Acid Soils and their Management
• Acid Sulphate Soils and Their Management
• Saline Soils and their Management
• Alkali Soils and Their Management
• Compacted, Crusted and Eroded Soils and Their Restoration
• Flooded Soils and Their Restoration
• Polluted Soil and Their Management
• Nanotechnological Approaches for the Remediation of Polluted Soils
• Irrigation Water and Their Management
• Climate Smart Irrigation Practices for Sustainable Agriculture
• Saline Water Management for Climate Resilience
• Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System (GIS) in
Diagnosis and Management of Degraded Soils
• Restoration of Degraded Soils Using Multipurpose Trees (MPTs)
• Land Capability Classification and Land Suitability Classification
• Degraded Soils Under Different Agro-ecosystems in India
• Biodiversity and Conservation
• Biotechnology of Fruit Crops
• Breeding of Fruit Crops
• Post Harvest Technology
• Protected Fruit Culture
• Temperate Fruits
• Tropical Fruits
• Sub-Tropical Fruits
• Plantation Crops
• Miscellaneous