Social Pharmacy is the multidisciplinary field of education and research that focuses on the role, provision, regulation and use of medicines in society. The scope is broad, covering the social, psycho-social, economic, and organizational aspects of medicines. Preventive and social medicine is concerned with the measures taken to prevent diseases and promote health. Preventive and social medicine is also known as community medicine or public health. Moreover this offers medical services ranging from curative to rehabilitative. Considering all these aspects, today’s students must learn, understand and apply the knowledge of the concerned subject in personal as well as professional life. This fact has driven the authors to write this
book of Social and Preventive Pharmacy for the students of B. Pharmacy Semester VIII. The book strictly is in accordance with the nationwide syllabus prescribed by PCI and all universities. Efforts have been made to describe syllabus content in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter is well illustrated with figures and tables, wherever felt necessary. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate, post graduate students, teachers and research scientists as per the latest updations of the pharmacy profession. However, authors welcome suggestions and suitable updations regarding ever-growing knowledge in concerned subject area which will surely help catering to student’s
Concepts of Health and Disease
Social and Health Education
Sociology and Health
Hygiene and Health
Preventive Medicine
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Ebola Virus Infection
Inuenza (Flu)
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection
Lymphatic Filariasis
Diabetes Mellitus
Drug Addiction-Drug Substance Abuse
National Health Programme, its Objectives, Functioning and Outcomes
National Tuberculosis Programme
Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP)
National Leprosy Control Programme (NLCP)
National Mental Health Program (NMHP)
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness
Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)
National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB)
Pulse Polio Programme
National Health Intervention Program for Mother and Child
National Family Welfare Programme
National Tobacco Control Programme
National Malaria Prevention Program
National Programme for the Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE)
Social Health Programme
Role of WHO in Indian National Programme
Community Services in Rural, Urban and School Health