With immense pride we present our book especially prepared for students appearing for exam on subject “Renewable Energy and Green Technology” with a descriptive and objective approach. This book is a perfect capsule for building self-confidence during exam. 5th V Dean Committee of ICAR, New Delhi has adopted a new syllabus for agricultural education in India and introduced this subject in the IV semester of B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture curriculum. Text books on this subject give core knowledge to the students but the syllabus, depth and wide span of topics gave us inspiration to write a book with “To-the-Point” approach.
This book is compiled with “Question-Answer” pattern based on complete syllabus. Such pattern makes the students aware about what exactly is expected from the course, probable descriptive questions, and specific answers to these questions along with objective questions in the subject. We are confident that the book will enable students to develop a better understanding of the curriculum and help them to organize their learning.
Constructive suggestions for further improvement of the books are always welcome.
Complete coverage of syllabus in specific “To the Point” question answer pattern.
Chapter-wise exhaustive set of descriptive and objective questions.
Simple language and style.
One stop solution for smart study.
Self-explanatory diagrams, figures and flowcharts.
Energy and its Classication
Energy Utilization Pattern in Crop Production
Biomass and Biofuels
Biogas Technology and Applications
Biomass Gasication and Applications
Bio-oil: Pyrolysis (Destructive distillation)
Solar Energy Collection
Thermal Applications of Solar Energy
Solar Photovoltaic System
Wind Energy Utilization
Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources