Pharmaceutics is a core subject in B. Pharm and it is one of the most diversified fields of study in pharmaceutical sciences. In a nutshell, it is focused on the scientific and technological facets of the development and production of dosage forms or pharmaceuticals. All pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists who are interested in transforming a drug or a potential drug into a medication that can be
administered to the patient safely, effectively, and efficiently need to have a solid understanding of pharmaceutics. It basically deals with the process of converting a novel chemical entity (NCE) or an existing medicine into a medication. It’s also known as dosage form design science where a student learns various techniques of developing a formulation. Many compounds have pharmacological characteristics,
but many require specific handling to obtain therapeutically relevant concentrations at their areas of action. Pharmaceutics aids in the connection between medication formulation, distribution and clearance in the body.
Efforts have been made to provide basic knowledge for undergraduate and graduate pharmacy students by including the science of formulation and drug delivery. It also explores the latest developments in the field of pharmaceutics. The subject matter illustrated with figures and tables, wherever, felt necessary.
It provides knowledge on the design and preparation of medicines for the pharmacists responsible for preparations in community and hospital pharmacies.
It covers all the topics included in various existing syllabus of pharmaceutics and each chapter provides comprehensive information on the dosage forms in which a drug may be given and drug delivery systems available.
The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate, post graduate students, teachers and research scientists in pharmaceutical fields as per the latest requirements.
Historical Background and Development of Profession of Pharmacy
Dosage Forms
Posology & Pharmaceutical Calculations
Liquid Dosage Forms
Monophasic Liquids
Biphasic Liquids
Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities
Semi Soild Dosage Forms