About the Book:
Structural and ecological changes are taking place rapidly in Indian agriculture. In this context, these concerns have been addressed in holistic way for achieving sustainability and equitable gains in farming. The book is designed to bring resilience to agroecosystem while maximising the gains to smallholders through the application of smart technologies.
Efforts have been made to arrange the topics in a systematic manner. The book covers ecological issues and income aspects including market and financial linkages in four sections. The major topics of the book includes smart technologies, best practices in agricultural marketing, smart leadership, capacity building,
entrepreneurship, FPOs and startups.
Adequate care has been taken in organizing the topics under different sections. Each to[pc covers introduction, study region, material methods, management aspects, economic and statistical analysis. Due importance is given to explore the possibilities of the application of soft solutions such as ICT technologies under digital platform for improving smallholders’ economy.
The book has been addressed keeping in view the requirements of graduate and post graduate students, teachers and researchers as well farmers on multiple aspects including sustainability and income generation. It serves as a standard reference to policy advocates, planners, bankers and administrators, entrepreneurs, marketing organizations, agribusiness consultants etc.
A Prelude to Smart Farming for Sustainability and Equity
Digitalisation of Agriculture: The winning answer for Small Farmers in India
Explaining Land Productivity across the Districts of India
Digital Technologies for Water Resources Management and Crop Planning
Climate Smart Agriculture
Agroecological Approaches to Adapt to Climate Change
Comparative Analysis of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) in Andhra Pradesh
Understanding the Perceptions of Stakeholders: Towards Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural
System for Enhanced Food Security
Choice of Protabile Farming Systems in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh
Dynamics of Cropping Pattern and Crop Diversication in Amravati Division of Maharashtra
Innovative Strategy in Augmenting Quality Planting Material Production of Cashew
Farming in Coastal Sands: Income and Employment Generation for Small Farmers
Technical Efciency of Sallholder Rice Production
Plant Disease in Relation to Ecosystem Services
Biopesticides for Sustainability of Agroecosystems
Strategic Plans and Scope of Climate Resilient Technologies in Sustaining Livestock Production System
Climate Variability Impact on Major Fishery Resources with Particular Reference to a New Concept in
mud Bank Formation
Performance Evaluation of Few Promising Rice Genotypes Through Modeling Under Projected Climate
Change in Eastern India
PRIDETM Powered by mKRISHI® – A way to go Ahead
mKRISHI® AQUA A Digital Framework Based Approach for Aquaculture Farm Management and
Market Advisories of DEMIC A Catalyst for Linking Farmers to Markets
Digital Solution for Price Instability Through e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM): A case study of Duggirala market in
Andhra Pradesh
Sustainable and Protable Market Linkages for Rural Entrepreneurs In India
Vegetable Marketing Through Rythu Bazars
Select Marketing Models and Status of Marketing in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
FaV Mall: Fruits and Vegetables Mall: A Model Startup for Bridging Gap Between Farmers and End Users
Oilseeds and Oils in India: Problems and Prospects for Export
Prospects of Investment in Shrimp Industry in India
Cluster Farming Finance: Kameri Village Floriculture Project
Doubling Farmers Income though FPOs in Agriculture and Allied Sectors
Risk Proong in Small and Marginal Farms: Imperative to Smart Farming
Speciality Agriculture for Promoting Farmers’ Pride
Enabling Group Action of Small Holders for Smart Farming
Enabling Environment for Scaling AgriTech Startups in India
Status of Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs) in Andhra Pradesh
Building Institutions for Excellence in Agricultural Engineering
Preferred Communication Sources and Information Needs of Rice Farmers
Inter Institutional Collaboration for Excellence and Capacity Building: A Review on the Adaptation of Best Practices for
Agricultural Institutions
Role of Farmer’s Organizations to Address Agrarian Issues
Policy Perspectives for Climate Resilient Smart Farming in India