Instrumental methods of analysis plays a wide role in the analysis of various types of pharmaceuticals in different sample matrices. With increase in the demand for quality pharmaceuticals in global market, the qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis ensures the identity and purity of pharmaceuticals is of highest degree thus increasing the acceptance of medicines in the community. This lab manual on Instrumental methods of analysis covers such experimental methodologies which are routinely employed in various quality control labs of pharmaceutical industries.
The lab manual has been written keeping in view the requirements of undergraduate, graduate and young teachers for performing the experiments based on spectroscopy and chromatography with simple, reproducible and economical procedures.
The experiments covered in this lab manual are based on the syllabus prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India for B.Pharm, Pharm.D and M.Pharm courses.
Additional experiments on calibration of common analytical instruments, volumetric glassware and structural elucidation of organic compounds by integrated spectroscopic techniques has been included.
Determination of lmax of Paracetamol and its assay by Calibration Curve Method
Determination of lmax of Potassium Permanganate and its assay by Method of Least Squares
Effect of Solvent on the Absorption Spectrum of Phenol
Estimation of Blood Glucose by Colorimetry
Estimation of Sulphanilamide by Colorimetry
Simultaneous Estimation of Paracetamol & Ibuprofen in Tablet Dosage form
Assay of Paracetamol Tablets by UV Spectrophotometric A (1%, 1cm) Method
Determination of Quinine Sulphate by Fluorimetry
Effect of Quenching on the Fluorescence of Quinine Sulphate
Estimation of Sodium by Flame Photometry
Estimation of Potassium by Flame Photometry
Limit Test for Chlorides by Nephelo Turbidimetry
Estimation of Sulphates by Nephelo Turbidimetry
Separation and Identication of Amino Acids by ascending Paper Chromatography
Separation and Identication of Aminoacids by Thin Layer Chromatography
Separation of Compounds Using Column Chromatography
Demonstration of Hplc
Demonstration of Gc
Effect of pH on the Absorption Spectrum of Sulphanilamide
Effect of Substituents on UV Spectrum of A Compound
Determination of Isobestic Point of An indicator
Assay of Salicyclic Acid by Colorimetry
Assay of Riboflavine Tablets by Visible Spectrophotometry
Assay of Pheniramine Tablets by UV Spectrophotometric A (1%, 1cm) Method
Demonstration of Ir Spectrophotometry
Calibration of Volumetric Glassware
Calibration of pH Meter
Calibration of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Calibration of Ftir Spectrophotometer
Structure Elucidation by integrated Spectroscopic Methods