Animal physiology is a subject taught in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Colleges and Universities of Veterinary & Animal Sciences in India. With the advancement of knowledge, it has
become difficult for majority of the students to go through various books for appearing in competitive exams quickly at a glance. Hence, an effort has been made to help students with a set of multiple choice questions based on the ICAR-NET/ARS/SRF syllabus covering the topics such as cellular basics of animal physiology, blood and circulation, respiration, excretion, digestion, muscle physiology, nervous system, endocrinology, reproduction, physiology of growth, climate physiology, and behavioral physiology.
The book will be helpful for the students appearing in ICAR-AIEEA (PG), ICAR-JRF/ SRF/ARS, CSIR-NET, NEET (UG), PG and PhD exams including the exams conducted by various state and central universities, UPSC and state public service commissions. This book will be equally beneficial for all esteemed teachers/scientists who teach veterinary/ animal physiology subjects at academic institutes.
Cellular Basis of Animal Physiology
Blood and Circulation
Muscle Physiology
Nervous system
Physiology of growth, Clmate Physiology and Behavioral Physiology