ASRB conducts Agriculture Research Service for scientist recruitment in research institutes and National Eligibility Test for lectureship (LS) or Assistant Professor recruitment in the discipline of Animal Biotechnology at different SAUs. The NET exam is mutually recognized by UGC-CSIR and ICAR. The question pattern in this exam is objective-type multiple-choice questions (MCQs). As per the latest ASRB-recommended syllabus of the Animal Biotechnology in ICAR-ARS/NET examination we have divided the content in six units and each unit has been subdivided into relevant chapters. We have carefully framed questions for each chapter.
Efforts have been made to cover all the aspects of cell biology, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology, advanced molecular biology techniques, basic bioinformatics and most recent areas of animal biotechnology including advanced vaccine and monoclonal antibody development, biosensors, fish biotechnology.
The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate, post graduate, PhD students and teachers
This objective type question book also contains meticulously chosen questions for entrance examinations like DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, CSIR-NET/JRF, GATE, UPSC, NEET. So, the book will be helpful for the students to face the questions with confidence and achieve their target.
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Recombinant DNA Technology
Cell Culture
Reproductive Technology
Molecular Biology Techniques