This book will be helpful to understand the availability and limitations of different renewable energy sources and is very useful in deciding the application of different renewable energy sources in varied situations. There has been a gaping void in the texts of renewable energy and green technology which was discussed in depth, and also was in accordance with the nationwide syllabus for the students, hence a textbook has been written keeping in mind the urgent need.
Efforts have been made to describe renewable energy sources and green technology in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter illustrated with figures and tables, wherever, felt necessary.
Each chapter has been divided into introduction, classification, application, types, advantages, limitations, components, factors, construction, c haracteristics, properties, processes, principles, methodology, working, maintenance, requirements. Glossary containing related terms has been presented.
The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the agricultural engineering and agriculture graduates in renewable energy and green technology as per the latest updates of the 5th Deans’ Committee Recommendations.
Energy Sources- Introduction and Classication
Renewable Energy Sources
Energy from Biomass
Direct Combustion of Biomass
Introduction to Biogas Technology
Biodiesel Production
Bioethanol Production
Pyrolysis and Gasification Technology
Biomass Briquetting
Solar Energy
Wind Energy