The book “Abattoir practices and animal products technology” is prepared as per the textbook standard for undergraduate students of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry in the Veterinary Colleges and Universities. Besides, this book will be helpful for competitive and post-graduate entrance exams. The various aspects of abattoir management, stress-related issues, the slaughter of food animals, grading of carcasses, technology
for by-product utilization, organic waste management, HACCP for the abattoir, and wool processing are elaborated under different chapters. This book will surely serve as a ready reckoner on all aspects of slaughterhouse practices and byproducts utilization for the academicians, veterinarians, slaughterhouse management personnel, municipal officials, policymakers, meat industry officials, and other readers in the field of meat science and technology.
Importance of Hygienic Slaughter House
Layout and Management of Rural, Urban and Modern Abattoirs
BIS Standards on Organization and Layout of Abattoirs
Pre Slaughter Care, Handling, and Transport of Meat Animals, Including Poultry
Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem Inspection of Meat Animals
Slaughtering and Dressing of Carcasses
Grading, Evaluation, Dressing, and Fabrication of Carcasses, including Poultry
Abattoir Byproducts: Meat, Bone, Fish Meal, and by-products of Pharmaceutical Value
Skin and Hides: Methods of Flaying, Defects, and Preservation
Management of Organic Wastes Emanating from Animal Industries, Fallen Animals,and Abattoir Effluent
HACCP Concepts in Abattoir Management
Introduction to Wool, Fur, Pelt, and Specialty Fibers Concerning the Processing Industry
Glossary of Terms of Wool Processing
Primary Structure and Development of the Wool Follicle
Post Shearing Operations of Wool, Classification, and Grading of Wool, Physical and Chemical Properties of Wool
Impurity of Wool, Factors Influencing the Quality of Wool
A Brief Outline of Processing of Wool, Tests for Identification of Wool