This book is an attempt to provide an updated coverage of syllabus and latest pattern of questions competitive entrance examinations of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry such as JRF (Physical Sciences), SRF, ASRB and State Agricultural Universities entrance examinations for PG & PhD courses and Assistant professor posts in the disciplines of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agronomy, Environment sciences. The book has been shaped entirely according to the student perspective and recommendations of 5th Deans’ committee of ICAR. A sincere effort has been made to present the material chapter wise in a very functional and practical manner so that students enjoy the learning process as they proceed through the lesson rather than experiencing it as an ordeal. This book will not only strengthen the conceptual foundation of the students but also equip them with the necessary speed, accuracy and confidence for the entrance examinations. Each chapter has been designed with different models of objective questions with the aim of testing an aspirant’s grasp and understanding of concepts. Furthermore, seven model question papers were given with answers so that the students can test themselves and buildup their confidence levels.
Soil and the Earth
Soil Genesis
Soil Survey and Soil Classification
Soils of India
Soil Physical Properties
Soil Chemical Properties
Soil Mineralogical properties
Soil Organic matter
Soil Biological Properties
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Manures, Fertilizers and other Agro-chemicals
Soil Health and Soil Quality
Soil Degradation
Problematic soils and their management
Soil Pollution
Irrigation Water Quality
Analytical Soil Chemistry
Remote sensing and GIS
Model question Paper-1
Model question Paper-2
Model Question Paper-3
Model Question Paper-4
Model Question Paper-5
Model Question Paper-6
Model Question Paper-7