In this book, we have covered all aspects related to agriculture and allied activities such as animal husbandry, fisheries, agro forestry and horticulture, etc. under changing climate regimes. Agriculture and allied activities is highly dependent on climate. The increased level of CO2 and temperature in the ecosystem could pose
challenges to farmers and threatens food grain productivity and food security. Changing climate could render the outbreak of weeds, new pathotypes and insect pests in agricultural fields. Water balance and productivity may also be reduced which will affect the agriculture sustainability due to lack of water availability or surplus water (floods). A large number of experts from India and Abroad emphasizes the facts, causes and solutions in climate change and global warming but very few in agriculture sectors and efforts has been made for covering implications on agriculture and solutions for mitigating stress arising from climate change in agriculture sector and it will be helpful in gaining visibility in research and development in agricultural field. This book is helpful for all category of readers, especially those who engaged in agriculture sector either academic and research.
Impact on Food Grains Productivity and Food Security under Changing Climate Regime
Effects of Concurrent Elevation in Temperature and Carbon Dioxide on Growth, Carbon Metabolism and Flowering in Plants
Impacts of Climate Change on C3 and C4 Plant Metabolic Pathways
Climate Change Impacts on Water Balance and Water Productivity
Influence of Climate Change on Invasive Weed Emergence and Disease Outbreak in Agricultural Crops
Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Pests
Effect of Climate Change on the Nematode Management
Effect of Climate Change On Soil Microorganism in Perspective of Living Soils and Plant-Microbe Interaction
Pre-harvest Abiotic Stress Association with Post-harvest Abiotic Stress in Horticultural Crops
The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture: Its Implications on Food Securities in India
Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production and Health and its Mitigation Strategies
Sustainable Crop Production Under Abiotic Stress Conditions
Climate- Sensible Agriculture to Sequester Carbon and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Plant Breeding Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change
Strategies for Developing Climate Ready Crop Varieties with Special Reference to Sugarcane
Securing Horticulture Production in Changing Climate Scenario
Sustainable Sugarcane Based Cropping System under Change Scenario
Carbon Sequestration and Electricity Generation through Agroforestry
Improved Agro-techniques for Mitigating Stress Emerging from Climate Change
Precision Agriculture- A Tool to Combat Changing Climate
Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Climate Change for Agriculture