This book is written in simple language to provide latest updated information to students with complete fundamental basic and practical knowledge of plant pathology as per the course content/syllabus specified or prescribed by the 5th Deans committee of ICAR, New Delhi for undergraduate courses of different state agricultural universities of country. It helps undergraduate students who, for the first time, are introduced into
the fascinating world of plant pathology. This manuscript is also a basic direction for research scholars, teachers and scientists engaged in the field of phytopathology.
This book divided into ten chapters dealing with all the updated fundamental aspects of plant pathology up to the global level. All the chapters of the book have been updated by incorporating details of different plant pathogenic organisms viz. Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, Viroids, Phytoplasmas, Spiroplasma, Nematodes, Phanerogamic plant parasite and abiotic pathogens with their major diseases, symptoms, cause, life cycle and its management. Last
chapter of this book covers all the laboratory practical exercises for the identification of different genera of fungi, bacteria, virus, viroids, phytoplasma and spiroplasmas including their diseases and also acquaintance with different laboratory equipment’s with colored photographs.
Introduction to Plant Pathology
Plant Pathogen- Fungi
Plant Pathogen: Bacteria
Plant Pathogen – Virus
Plant Pathogen-Viroids (Mini naked Virus)
Plant Pathogen-Phytoplasmas
Plant Pathogen-Spiroplasma: (Helical Mollicutes)
Plant Pathogen-Nematodes
Phenarogamic Plant Parasite
Diseases due to Abiotic Causes
Laboratory Practical Exercises