This Book has covered diversified topics on Entrepreneurship in Livestock and Fisheries, like, Entrepreneurship in Livestock Sector, Role of Market Led Extension and Marketing Channels in Livestock Entrepreneurship, Livestock supply chain in India, Poultry Farming, Integrated Farming System, Entrepreneurship opportunities in Aquaponics, Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Fish Processing, Women’s Aquapreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities, Pearl Farming etc. which are widely covered and elaborately explained.
An honest effort has been made to compile the existing and new approaches and strategies for Entrepreneurship in Livestock and Fisheries Sector.
Each chapter has been written in a systematic way so that readers can understand the contents easily.
The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate, post graduate students, teachers and research scientists in Livestock and Fisheries sectors.
Entrepreneurship in Livestock Sector
Key Steps in Livestock Business Innovation and Start-up
Challenges in Livestock Entrepreneurship
Role of Market Led Extension and Marketing Channels in Livestock Entrepreneurship
Livestock Supply Chain in India: Current Scenario, Prospects & Challenges: Methods to Improve India’s Milk and Meat Supply Chains
Sustainable Livestock Production
Livestock Business Risk Management
Smart Livestock Farming: Potential of Digitalization
Poultry Farming: A Sustainable Profitable Enterprise
Small Scale Poultry Hatchery: A Way to Strengthen Backyard Poultry Farming in North Eastern India
Opportunity and Challenges of Goat Farming Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in Piggery
Solar Energy-Based Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Model to Pace Dairy Farming in India
Challenges Faced by Rural Farm Veterinary Enterprises in India
Framework of Entrepreneurial Venture and Entrepreneurship as a solution to Poverty
Integrated Farming System a Strain of Entrepreneurs for Livelihood Development,Nutritional and Cropping Security for North-East India
Status of Livestock Production & its Role for Rural Transformation through different Production Systems
Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Aquaponics – An Integrated Approach for Aquaculture and Agriculture
Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Fish Processing Sector
Women’s Aquapreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities
Entreprenurship or Job Opportunity in the Discipline of Aquaculture
Pearl Farming: An Economically Viable Entrepreneurship Development Opportunity in Rajasthan
Blue Food Entrepreneurship
Biological Filters: The Most Essential Component of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
Recirculating Aquacultural Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship Development for Sustainable Aquaculture
Empowerment of Farmers and Entrepreneurship Development through Water Reed (Schoenoplectus lactustris Linn) Integrated with Fish
Ornamental Fisheries – Scope and Opportunities in North East India
Ornamental Fish Production As A Business Enterprise