The text book entitled “Veterinary Physician Guide: Handbook on Veterinary First Aid and Clinical Diagnosis” is written with a broad view to provide basic clinical diagnostic procedures such as preliminary general examination and physical diagnostic tests which are very much essential for proper diagnosis and institution of therapy.
The book has a detailed note on the commonly used drugs in Veterinary Clinics such as antiseptics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory agents, antihistamines, dewormers and ectoparasiticides and common drugs such as oral medicaments and ointments etc.
Special diagnostic tests related to various body systems of the body are also described which facilitates the clinical diagnosis and undertaking the therapy and assessing response to therapeutic schedules.
In addition the book focuses on dealing with toxicological/ poisoning cases, first aid procedures; prophylactic methods for prevention of various infectious diseases in different livestock and poultry species.
The book gives a basic / preliminary idea of laboratory tests to be undertaken by a field Veterinarian which is also necessary to support clinical diagnosis and assessment of response to treatment/ prognosis. Post mortem examination procedure is also given so as to enable the field Vet as an additional essential diagnostic procedure.
Due emphasis is laid upon the verbal description of the clinical diagnostic procedures and the contents are narrated and represented with illustrations such as figures and tables appropriately.
The text book “Veterinary Physician Guide: Handbook on Veterinary First Aid and Clinical Diagnosis” designed primarily for undergraduate and post graduate veterinary students, veterinary general practitioners and members of other disciplines interested in clinical diagnosis of diseases of animals. Especially, the contents of the book is helpful for UG students as it is prepared as per the VCI –MSVE 2016 syllabus guidelines as well as a
basic information provider to PG students and field veterinarians.
Preliminary General Clinical Examination-History (Anamnesis), Temperature, Pulse,Respiration Recording, Physical Diagnostic Methods, General Diagnostic Procedures
Systematic Regional Clinical Examination
Examination of Digestive System
Physical Examination of the Respiratory System
Examination of Skin and Integumentary System
Examination of Cardiovascular System
Examination of Musculoskeletal System
Examination of Haemolymphatic System
Examination of Urinary System
Examination of Mammary Gland
Examination of Nervous System
Examination in Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Diseases
First Aid in Veterinary Practice
Referring of Complicated Cases for Specialized Treatment
Methods of Administration of Drugs in Animals
Specialised Clinical Procedures Employed in Animals
Antiseptics Used in Clinics
Anti Microbial Drugs Commonly used in Clinics
Anthelmintics used in Clinics
Anti inflammatory Agents Used
Prophylactic Vaccination in Various Species of Animals and Poultry
Simple and Preliminary Clinical Laboratory Tests for Field Vets
Examination of Cases of Poisoning and Toxicities
Necropsy: Salient Features
Collection, Labeling, Transport of Specimens
Commonly used Formulations in Clinics