AgriTech is the concept of applying modern technologies to the agricultural sector with a view of enhancing and producing with efficiency and generating sufficient revenue to support livelihoods. The concept extends to any kind of applications, practices, products, and services that enhance any aspect, whether input or output, of the agricultural process. AgriTech startups have the potential to address these challenges from the very beginning, and subsequently change the face of Indian agriculture.
“Agri Start-Ups and Agribusiness – Innovation for Fostering the Future of Agriculture” a flagship documentary initiative by Dr.A.S.Mailappa and Prof. B.N.Hazarika, would inspire the new and budding agripreneurs to endeavor into agri-business ecosystem to foster the economy of the country and spread the movement of Agri-Start-Ups.
This present book is written in a very simpler and lucid manner covering all aspects of Agri Start-Ups and Agribusiness in 16 well-organized chapters, with boldface subheadings and supportive illustrations to assist in quickly locating topics of interest. This book is designed in such a way that the stakeholders shall update their innovative ideas / agripreneurship skills for enriching the employment-generating opportunities.
The book encompasses various eye-opening chapters, with specific objectives aimed to address and delineate best possible ways and means to improvise, innovate, synergize and optimize the all-encompassing developmental push in the country. It would definitely create a baseline, addressing various issues, opportunities,
challenges, strategies, policies of paramount importance related to agriculture and allied sector industries.
This book will definitely meet the requirement of all the stakeholders related to agriculture and allied sectors and inspire them to expand their ideas and horizons in all possible ways.
Readership: Students / Teachers / Researchers / Practitioners of Agricultural Universities / Institutes, engaged in Teaching, Research and Extension activities, besides all the stakeholders related to Agriculture, Horticulture, and other allied disciplines,
Agriculture and Allied Sector Industries in the North East India : A Bird’s Eye View
Horticulture in the North East India – Challenges and Opportunities
The Emerging Scope of Agri-Tech in India
Plant-based Natural Colourants for Food, Textile and Health
Agri Business – Scope and Potential in North Eastern States
Role of Small Farmer’s Agri-Business Consortium in Promoting Agri-Business
A Forever Spice : Scope for Entering Global Market
Promotion of Agripreneurship Development and Startup Ecosystem through RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubation Scheme
Major Schemes and Programmes of Government of India Development of Food and Agro Based Enterprises
Entrepreneurship Development through Processing and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables in Northeastern Region
Readiness and Preparedness for the New Generation Agripreneurs
Post-Harvest Management of Fruit Crops
Poly House Pond : An Innovative Approach for Enhancing Temperature During Winter in Assam
Innovative Techniques for Harvesting and Processing of Pineapple
Conceptualizing Bio-waste for Converting into Economic Wealth
Horticultural Technologies for Startups