Agricultural finance and cooperation is important in an agrarian nation like India because of its major role in eliminating the constraints to invest in farming activities, procurement of better seeds and fertilizers in order to increase productivity and for improving the technology. It is playing a catalytic role in strengthening the farm business and augmenting the productivity of scarce resources. The practical manual is make things easier the different aspect of the course viz. Optimum allocation of limited amount of capital among different enterprise, Analysis of progress and performance of cooperatives using published data, Analysis of progress and performance of commercial banks and RRBs using published data, Visit to a commercial bank, cooperative bank
and cooperative society to acquire first-hand knowledge of their management, schemes and procedures, Estimation of credit requirement of farm business, Preparation and analysis of balance sheet, Preparation and analysis of income statement, Appraisal of a loan proposal and Techno-economic parameters for preparation of projects. The manual has been developed in a systematic and sequential manner as per the offered syllabus to experience the agricultural finance and cooperation and have immense use for undergraduate students of the college as well as to the teachers. The student would be able to understand the concept, importance and others practical aspect of the subject. The practical manual has special significance in making student capable of learning different aspect or dimension of the subject.
This manual or book is designed keeping in mind the need of undergraduate students of the college of agriculture, management as well as faculty or social scientists. The exercises are written in such a way that the
students can easily grasp or understood the concept, importance and others practical aspect of the agricultural finance and cooperation
Optimum Allocation of Limited Amount of Capital among different Enterprise
Analysis of Progress and Performance of Cooperatives using Published Data
Analysis of Progress and Performance of Commercial Banks and RRBs by Published Data
Visit to a Commercial Bank, Cooperative Bank and Cooperative Society to Acquire Firsthand Knowledge of their Management, Schemes and Procedures
Estimation of Credit Requirement of Farm Business- A Case Study
Preparation and Analysis of Balance Sheet- A Case Study
Profit and Loss Statement or Income Statement- A Case Study
Appraisal of a Loan Proposal – A Case Study
Techno-Economic Parameters for Preparation of Projects