Indian agriculture plays a vital role in internal and external trade of the country. Internal trade in food-grains and other agricultural products helps in the expansion of service sector. In this context, agricultural economics has emerged as an exciting field of social science during the recent years. This book has been written as text book for the students of agriculture and allied science of agriculture. There is no text book now till covering comprehensively the content of all syllabi of “Economics and Marketing” for B.Sc. (Hons) Horticulture, B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry & B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science. Students have to depend on various books to collect texts as per requirement of syllabus. The present book is written to satisfy the various subjects as per new syllabi prescribed by ICAR, New Delhi. The entire subject matter has been covered in eighteen chapters in accordance
with syllabus. Authors have made every effort to deal with all chapters comprehensively and simple words for quick understanding. A large number and variety of examples & questions have been incorporated to support the
different viewpoints. At the start of the chapter, learning objectives have been given for understanding the details of the chapter & also question bank has been prepared at the end of every chapter to provide an overview of examination questions. This book provides the information about basic concepts of micro & macro economics and also about the concept market & marketing, functions of agricultural market, Constraints in marketing of agricultural produce, market intelligence, techno-economic parameters for preparation of projects and basic
guidelines for preparation of project report, bank norms, agri-insurance, SWOT analysis & crisis management. All efforts are made to present the subject matter in simple and lucid style as the level best.
Introduction of Economics
Basic Terms and Concepts
Theory of Consumer’s Behaviour
Theory of Demand and Supply
Theory of Production
Theory of Cost and Revenue
Theory of Distribution
Theory of Population
Market Structure and Pricing
Agricultural Marketing
Dimensions and Classification of Markets
Marketing Functions, Functionaries and Channels
Marketing Costs, Margins, Efficiency, Price Spread and Market Integration
Producers Surplus of Agricultural Commodities
Basel Banking Norms and Agricultural Insurance
Crisis Management and SWOT Analysis
Basic Guidelines for Preparation of Project Reports
National Income Accounting