The book entitled, Current Horticulture: Improvement, Production, Plant Health Management and Value-Addition, is a unique book of its own kind which deals all the aspects of Horticultural Science. It is consolidation of scattered information available in different forms which have been suitably compiled and edited in a lucid and easy-to- understandable format with adoptable recommendations for the benefit of all stakeholders. Efforts have
been made to describe various aspects of horticultural crops in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The book is a compilation of the latest information on horticultural technologies developed by ICAR institutes and state agricultural/horticultural Universities across the country.
The book is divided in 2 volumes, consisting of 38 chapters each. The chapters covering a wide range of horticultural aspects related to genetic resources, varietal wealth, crop improvement, plant health management, biotic and abiotic stress management, and value-addition of horticultural crops enrich the beauty of both the volumes. Besides, some chapters dealing general horticultural science have also been dealt at length.
This book is intended to be a compilation of information available on fruits, vegetables, spices, and ornamental and plantation crops with a view to provide the overview on various aspects of horticultural science. The subjects are illustrated with figures, tables and latest references. The critical gaps identified in different research areas have also been dealt in each chapter.
The book has been written keeping in view the long standing demand to different relevant aspects of horticultural science. Thus, the wealth of information documented in this book, Current Horticulture: Improvement, Production, Plant Health Management and Value-Addition, will serve as a reservoir for exploitation of useful information by the scientists, students, teachers, growers, policy-makers and entrepreneurs. The contributors of different chapters included in the book are eminent personality in their field.
Volume 1
Adaptation of Fruit Crops for Sustainable Production under Climate Changes
Integrated Horticulture-Based Farming Systems for Livelihood Security
Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Fruit Production in Arid Zone
Nursery Management of Vegetable Crops
Quality Planting Material for Arid and Semi-Arid Fruits
Planting Geometry and Canopy Modulation in Fruit Trees: Mitigating Effects of Climate Change
On-the-tree Fruit Bagging: An Organic Fruit Production Technology
Tree Architecture for High-Density Planting in Guava
Genetic Resource of Minor Tuber Crops for Improvement
Genetic Resource of Henna for Improvement
Exploiting Heterosis for Vegetable Improvement
Grafting Technology: Mitigating Abiotic Stresses in Vegetable Crops
Technological Intervention for Doubling Farmers Income in Arid Horticultural Crops
Biotechnological Interventions Enhancing Fruit Production
Seed Spices: Diversity, Characterization, Conservation and Utilization
Prospects of Date Palm Cultivation in Thar Desert
Smart Fruits for 21st Century
Innovative Breeding Approaches for Improvement in Fruit Crops
Seed Potato Production in India
Climate Smart Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Fruit Crops
Fertigation in Citrus: Developments and Challenges
Secondary Horticulture: Developments and Challenges
Microbes in Soil Health Management of Horticultural Crops
Fruit Industry in North-East India: Developments and Challenges
High Altitude Horticulture: Developments and Challenges
Onion Varieties for Doubling Farmers Income
Nutritional Security through Underutilized Semi-Arid Fruits
Tuber Crops for Nutrition, Health and Livelihood Security
Vertical Farming: A Promising Technology for Horticultural Development in Urban Areas
Bio-Enhancers for Organic Production of Horticultural Crops
Water Management in Tropical Tuber Crops
Growing Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Weed-Free
Advances in Integrated Insect-Pest Management of Vegetable Crops
Disease Management in Arid Horticultural Crops
Pest Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Horticultural Crops
Banana Export and Value-Addition: Opportunities and Strategies
Functional Foods from Tropical Tuber Crops
Agri-Business Incubators for Enhancing Performance of Horticulture Sector
Volume 2
Constraints, Opportunities and Emerging Threats in Mango Production
Advances in Litchi Production
High-Density Planting for Higher Productivity and Quality Fruits
Potato Production: Developments and Challenges
Temperate Fruits: Enhancing Productivity through Technological Interventions
Breeding Strategies in Commercial Flower Crops
R&D in Vegetables for Food and Nutritional Security
Climate Resilient Technologies for Citrus Fruits
Biodiversity in Underutilized Fruit Crops of Hot Semi-Arid Regions
Mushroom Production for Sustainable Income Generation
Cultivation of Drumstick for Socio-Economic Upliftment
Perspective and Success Stories of Underutilized Fruits
Underutilized Fruits of NER for Livelihood Security
Pharmaceutical Properties of Onion and Garlic
Vertical Farming: Enhancing Vegetable Productivity
Growing Beans in Dryland
Peri-Urban and Urban Horticulture for Nutritional Security
Bioversity International: Harness Agricultural Biodiversity and Sustainably Transform Food Systems to Improve Peoples Lives in a Climate Crisis
Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops: Prospects and Challenges in India
Livelihood Opportunities in Floriculture
Honeybees Enhance Seed Yield of Vegetables and Seed Spices
Production Technologies of Humid Tropical Underutilized Fruits in India
Entrepreneurship Development through Protected Cultivation
Improvement in Global Oil Palm Industry
AICRP for Development of Fruit Crops
Precision Farming in Horticultural Crops
Coconut-Based Farming System: Improving Soil Productivity
Lesser-Known Nutritious Vegetables
Advances in Hybrid Seed Production of Vegetable Crops
Attracting Young Talent in Horticulture Through NAHEP
Medicinal Plants: The Most Primitive but Modern Revolution
Dried Flowers for Value-Addition
Weed Management in Root and Tuber Crops
Management of Bacterial Diseases in Vegetable Crops
Innovative Mangement of Tomato Bacterial Diseases
White Onion Varieties for Processing in India
Advances in Post-Harvest Management of Horticultural Crops
Value-Addition in Fruits and Vegetables Through Microbial Intervention