Sugarcane is an important cash crop and can be cultivated under diverse agro climatic conditions throughout the world. It has contributed significantly to the growth of Indian Agriculture and National Gross Domestic Products (GDP).It is providing raw material to sugar industry, the second largest agro-based industry after textile. It also provides employment not only to agricultural laborers in the fields but also to industrial labours in the sugar factories. It is grown under varied soil and climatic conditions, but its productivity is generally limited by abiotic and biotic stresses as it has to face vagaries of nature in all the seasons of year in the field. Sugarcane yield is markedly inuenced by several factors such as soil fertility, climate, variety, cultural practices, and prevalence of weed, pests,diseases and environmental stresses. According to an estimate, sugarcane production declines by 45.0, 20.0 and 19.0% by weeds, insect pests and diseases, respectively. The content of this textbook has covered all issues of plant protection of sugarcane crop and also adds latest technologies as per need of
hours. The efforts have been made to describe details of sugarcane pests and diseases in systemic and comprehensive manner with figures and table as per need. This textbook divided into different chapter such as introduction, borers pest, sucking pest, subterranean pest, defoliators, other pests, diseases, plant
parasitic nematodes, nutrient deficiency symptom, weed management, biointensive integrated pest management, integrated disease management, integrated nematode management, biological control, mineral nutrition for
diseases and pests management in sugarcane, pesticides application equipments for sugarcane pest management and recommended pesticides for sugarcane crop. The present book aims to provide latest management strategies which can help to overcome the above problem in scientific and sustainable manner. This book is also useful for students, researchers, extension workers who are involve in
technology dissemination for sugarcane production and sugar industries official and field workers for better understanding of production and protection related Problem of sugarcane crop.
Borers Pest
Sucking Pest
Subterranean Pest
Other Pests
Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Nutrient Deficiency Symptom
Weed Management
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Disease Management
Integrated Nematode Management
Biological Control
Mineral Nutrition for Disease and Pest Management in Sugarcane
Pesticides Application Equipments for Sugarcane Pest Management
Recommended Pesticides for Sugarcane Crop