Handbook of Whiteflies, is the first of its kind on this group of insects in the World. Authored by those who worked on whiteflies for decades– either by themselves or through rendering guidance to researchers or through funded research projects or through interactions with specialists on this group, the book has taken cognizance of literature available from the oldest to the latest on this group of insect-pests. The book treats various aspects of aleyrodids from morphology to biotechnology to management thereby providing an in-depth knowledge to those interested on whitefly. A concise user-friendly check list is included.
The book encompasses 9 chapters, which in turn is further divided into subthemes, each dealing with specifics in a detailed manner
In the chapter on Morphology, the external features of each of the stadia of whitefly and also methods of collection and processing them for a scientific study have been dealt with aptly
Under Anatomy of whiteflies, vital systems such as the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems of aleyrodids have been suitably covered
Chapters on Economically and notorious whiteflies exhaustively deals with information of whiteflies on ugarcane, castor, citrus, pomegranate, cardamom, betel vine and mulberry; and babul whitefly, silver leaf whitefly
and greenhouse whitefly. An account of whiteflies invaded India have been provided.
Whitefly as vectors of plant diseases has been adequately provided
Cecidological aspects of whitefly-induced galls have been considered
Hitherto unknown ecological areas of aleyrodids, such as honeydew exudation, whitefly-ant interaction and wax (nymphs, adults) analysis have been included
A detailed checklist of whiteflies of India with host-plant data is made available
Morphology of Whitefly
Anatomy of Whiteflies
Economic Importance of Whiteflies
Whiteflies as Vector of Viral Diseases in Plants
Natural enemies of Whiteflies (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) in India
Whiteflies and Plant Galls
Honeydew, Ant Interactions and Wax in Whiteflies
Checklist of Indian Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) with their Host Plants
General Index
Genera and Species Index