Quantitative genetics is an important aspect of genetics which has wide practical applications in plant breeding. Quantitative genetics is offered as a separate subject at post graduate levels in different State Agricultural Universities in India. As objective questions are asked in various competitive exams, it is very important to practise a good relevant objective book. Moreover, there is lack of good books on objective quantitative genetics. The present book “Booster of Quantitative Genetics” has been designed to fulfil this long felt need of Indian students. This book contains 21 chapters and each chapter deals with purely multiple choice questions followed by 3 important appendices including name of different biometrician / statistician and their key contribution, important biometrical terms first coined by various biometrician / statistician, list of famous biometrician in relation to their origin. Effort has been made to analyse the syllabus of ICAR- JRF, SRF, NET, ARS and M.Sc. & Ph.D. entrance examination of different State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) so as to assist a student to answer the objective questions.
Quantitative genetics is an important aspect of genetics which has wide practical applications in plant breeding. Quantitative genetics is offered as a separate subject at post graduate levels in different State Agricultural Universities in India. As objective questions are asked in various competitive exams, it is very important to practise a good relevant objective book. Moreover, there is lack of good books on objective quantitative genetics. The present book “Booster of QUANTITATIVE GENETICS” has been designed to fulfiil this long felt need of Indian students.
- The aim of this objective book entitled “Booster of QUANTITATIVE GENETICS” has been written for the students who are preparing for the competitive exams like ICAR- JRF, SRF, NET, ARS and M.Sc. & Ph.D. entrance examination of different State Agricultural Universities (SAUs).
- This book contains 21 chapters and each chapter deals with purely multiple choice questions followed by 3 important appendices including name of different biometrician / statistician and their key contribution, important biometrical terms first coined by various biometrician / statistician, list of famous biometrician in relation to their origin
- The book has been written keeping in view the course offered by various Indian universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We hope that this book would be useful to the students, teachers and researchers engaged in the field of plant breeding and genetics.
- Introduction to Biometrical Techniques
- Polygenic and Oligogenic Characters and Polygenic Variation
- Inheritance of Qualitative and Quantitative Characters
- Assessment of Polygenic Variation
- Correlation Coefficient Analysis
- Path Coefficient Analysis
- Discriminant Function Analysis
- Diallel Cross Analysis
- Partial Diallel Analysis
- Line × Tester Analysis
- Triallel Analysis
- Quadriallel Analysis
- Biparental Cross Analysis
- Triple Test Cross (TTC)
- Generation Mean Analysis
- Varietal Adaptation and Stability Analysis
- Breeding Value
- Genetic Variances and Gene Action
- Combining Ability
- Heritability and Genetic Advance
- Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression