This book on soil analysis is framed based on the syllabus for agricultural science and accordingly it will serve as a textbook for students of Agricultural, Horticultural Science, Home Science and Environmental Science besides the basic sciences. The main frame work of this book contains of 6 chapters and 44 sub topics and four annexure. The contents of this book are arranged in such a way that it would help the readers to understand the basic concepts and techniques of the different analytical methods. The chapters are divided into six comprising of analytical chemistry, soil physics, soil chemistry, plant analysis, fertilizers/manures analysis and land survey. A brief account of basic theories involved, reactions, materials required, reagents and their preparations, detailed procedure for estimation and calculations are explained in detail. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate, post graduate students, teachers and research scientists in Soil Science as per the latest updations of the 5th Deans’ Committee Recommendations.
Sincere efforts have been made to compile this book and analytical methods are depicted in a self-explanatory manner to readers. The authors hope that the researchers and students of agriculture and allied faculties would find this book useful in learning different techniques and usefulness in their laboratory analysis.
Analytical Chemistry, Basic Concept and Techniques
Soil Physics
Soil Chemical Analysis
Plant Analysis
Fertiliser / Manure Analysis
Land Survey