Quantitative genetics is the integral part of plant breeding. The principles and usage of various biometrical techniques in crop improvement programme is not available in a single book therefore students have to go through several comprehensive books to fulfil their course requirement. Hence a textbook has been written keeping in mind the urgent need. The prime objective of writing this text book is to provide systematic theoretical information on the application of various biometrical techniques in a simple language that can be easily grasped by the students. Each topic is precisely written and briefly explained in point wise along with five model question papers, four appendices including name of biometrician / statistician and their important contribution, important biometrical terms first coined by various biometrician / statistician, list of famous biometrician in relation to their origin and important comparison so that students can easily grasp the concepts very quickly. The book has been written keeping in view the course offered by various Indian universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We hope that this book would be useful to the students, teachers and researchers engaged in the field of plant breeding and genetics.
Quantitative genetics is the integral part of plant breeding. The principles and usage of various biometrical techniques in crop improvement programme is not available in a single book therefore students have to go through several comprehensive books to fulfill their course requirement. Hence a textbook has been written keeping in mind the urgent need.
- The prime objective of writing this text book is to provide systematic theoretical information on the application of various biometrical techniques in a simple language that can be easily grasped by the students.
- Each topic is precisely written and briefly explained in point wise along with five model question papers, four appendices including name of biometrician / statistician and their important contribution, important biometrical terms first coined by various biometrician/ statistician, list of famous biometrician in relation to their origin and important comparison so that students can easily grasp the concepts very quickly.
- The book has been written keeping in view the course offered by various Indian universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We hope that this book would be useful to the students, teachers and researchers engaged in the field of plant breeding and genetics.
1 Introduction to Biometrical Techniques
Biometrical genetics, Biometrical Techniques and Their Applications.
2 Polygenic and Oligogenic Characters and Polygenic Variation
Polygenic characters and Oligogenic Characters: Differences and Similarities, Variability: Source; Genetic erosion; Conservation, Polygenic Variation: Types, Free and potential variability.
3 Inheritance of qualitative and quantitative characters
Inheritance of qualitative characters: Dominance; Segregation and independent assortment; Pleiotropy; Penetrance and expressivity; Threshold character; Modifying genes; Gene interaction; Linkage, Inheritance of quantitative characters: The multiple factor hypothesis; Polygenic inheritance and variation; Estimation of environmental effects on quantitative characters.
4 Assessment of polygenic variation
Variability Assessment: simple measuring of variability (Range, Arithmetic mean, Variance, Standard deviation, Coefficient variation, Standard error); Genetic diversity (D2 statistics, Metroglyph analysis); component of variance.
5 Aids to Selection
Selection: Principles; Purpose; Types; Efficiency, Biometrical techniques used in selection procedure: Correlation coefficient analysis; Path coefficient analysis; Discriminant function analysis.
6 Choice of parents and breeding procedures
Biometrical techniques used for choice of parents and breeding procedures: Diallel cross analysis; Partial diallel analysis; Line × tester analysis; Triallel analysis; Quadriallel analysis; Biparental analysis; Triple test cross (TTC); Generation mean analysis.
7 Varietal Adaptation
Adaptation: Features; Types; Mechanism, Adaptability: Features; Factors affecting; Components, Environment: Types, Assessment of stability: Features, Stability analysis, G×E interaction: Features; Types, Statistical approaches for measuring G×E interactions: Partitioning of variance (Analysis of variance, Stability factor, Identification of genotypes showing least G×E interaction, Ecovalence, Stability variance); Regression analysis (Finley and Wilkinson model, Eberhart and Russell model, Perkins and Jinks model, Freeman and Perkins model); Nonparametric statistics; Multivariate techniques (Clustering, Principal component analysis, Factor analysis, Additive main effects and Multiplicative interaction models).
8 Miscellaneous Topics
Breeding value, Genetic variance, Gene action, Combining ability, Heritability and genetic advance, Heterosis and Inbreeding depression.
Model Question Paper – 1-5