This book entitled “Manual on Manures, Fertilizers and Agro-Chemicals” brought out by Dr. A. S.Mailappa, is a comprehensive treatise on the subject and is an outcome of his visionary perception and quest of a great need for an easy ready reckoner practical manual. This book addresses the various exercises / experiments as laid out in the syllabus of various undergraduate courses offered during the undergraduate programmes of Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry.
This book has 20 well-defined chapters covering various aspects on collection, preparation, analysis of manures, fertilizers and agrochemicals, including things to learn at the end of every chapter. The contents are presented in such a way that the readers shall easily understand various aspects of analysis of test samples.
It is written in a very simpler and lucid manner, to ensure easy and clear understanding about execution of various practical experiments including step- by-step calculations and interpretation of analytical results related to analysis of manures, fertilizers and agrochemicals.
This book will serve as a guide for them to understand various analytical principles and user-friendly instrumental methods on the subject and thereby helping them to progress ahead in acquiring in-depth knowledge on carrying out of various research activities / programmmes in the field of agriculture and allied disciplines.
Readership : Students / Teachers / Researchers / Lab-technicians of Agricultural Universities / Institutes, engaged in analysis of Manures, Fertilizers and Agro-Chemicals.
1. Basic Principles of Instrumentation Methods and Techniques
2. Analytical Chemistry – Basic Concepts
3. Laboratory Vessels and their Uses
4. Determination of Moisture Content in Plants / Manures / Composts
5. Determination of Total Nitrogen in Manures/Composts (Micro Kjeldahl Method)
6. Determination of Total Phosphorus in Manures / Composts (Colorimetric/Vanadomolybdate Yellow colour method)
7. Estimation of Ammoniacal Nitrogen In Nitrogenous Fertilizers (Ammonium Sulphate / Ammonium Chloride)
8. Estimation of Nitrate Nitrogen in Nitrogenous Fertilizers (Sodium Nitrate / Potassium Nitrate / Calcium Nitrate)
9. Estimation of Ammoniacal and Nitrate Nitrogen in Nitrogenous Fertilizers (Ammonium Nitrate / Calcium Ammonium Nitrate)
10. Estimation of Amide Form of Nitrogen in Nitrogenous Fertilizers (Urea)
11. Determination of Water Soluble Phosphorus (P2O5) in Phosphatic Fertilzers (Super Phosphate / Rock Phosphate)
12. Determination of Potassium in Potassic Fertilizers (Potassium Chloride-Indirect Method)
13. Determination of Sulphur in Fertilizer Samples
14. Diagnostic (Quick) Tests to Detect Spurious and Adulterated Fertilizers
15. Determination of Active Ingredient (Chlorine) in Lindane (Argentometry)
16. Determination of Active Ingredient (Endosulfan) in Thiodan (Iodimetry)
17. Determination of Active Ingredient (Malathion) in Malathion (Iodimetry)
18. Determination of Active Ingredient (Copper) in Copper Oxychloride / Fytolan (Iodimetry)
19. Determination of Active Ingredient (Sulphur) in Sulfex (Iodimetry)