“Malnutrition is a universal issue holding back development with unacceptable human consequences. Yet the opportunity to end malnutrition has never been greater. The U.N. Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) provide global and national impetus to address malnutrition and expedite progress.”
- The 2018 Global Nutrition Report
“Raising awareness of health information is one of the most effective ways of meeting health challenges in the developing world”
- Common Wealth of Learning
The current burden of malnutrition leading to hidden hunger is unacceptably high. Stunted children (aged 0-59 months) is 22.2% of children globally (150.8 million in total), wasted children (7.5%-50.5 million), overweight children (obese) (5.6%-38.3 million). Every country in the world is affected by malnutrition. Adult high blood pressure, adult obesity, adult overweight, anaemia, childhood stunting, wasting, overweight and high salt intake are eight nutrition indicators.
The present edited book Greens, Sprouts and Edible Flowers throws open unprecedented opportunity to get back on track of health and wellness. More than 50 scientists from India and abroad have penned down 22 chapters dealing greens, sprouts and edible flowers. Greens include alliums, amaranths, brassicas, basil, radish leaf, curry leaf, drumstick, purslane, marjoram and lettuce. Sprouts and edible flowers are dealt in detail emphasizing nutritive value, absorption, availability and ease in cultivation. Forewords are by Prof. M S Swaminathan and Dr. R. S. Paroda, Founder Chairman of Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. Messages are from Dr. T. Mohapatra, President NAAS, New Delhi and Dr. Manju Sharma, Former President NASI, Prayagraj.
Editors are Dr.Brahma Singh Padma Shree Awardee and Prof.K V Peter FNAAS and FNASc.
1. Alliums as Greens
2. Amaranth
3. Basil
4. Brassicas
5. Curry leaf
6. Green Garlic
7. Lettuce
8. Marjoram
9. Mustard Green
10. Drumstick
11. Purslane
12. Radish Leaf
13. Underexploited Leafy Perennials
14. Microgreens and Sprouts
15. Greens and Sprouts for Balanced Nutrition
16. Baby Corn
17. Microgreens
18. Edible Microbes
19. Edible Flowers
20. Edible Ornamental Flowers
21. Edible Roses
22. Lotus