The above quotes speak volumes on innovative science and technology especially in context of national dream of a Zero Hidden Hunger India. India ranks 103 out of 119 countries in Global Hunger Index 2018. Anaemia, low body weight, child mortality, stunted growth, obesity and susceptibility to diseases are resultants of malnutrition and imbalanced food intake. Horticultural crops- fruits, vegetables, tubers, herbs and spices, medicinal and aromatic plants, plantation crops, mushrooms and bamboos-are the best bet against malnutrition.
Foreword is by Dr Anand Kumar Singh DDG(H) ICAR and Dr. Janakiram T. Hon. Vice-Chancellor Dr Y.S.R. Horticulture University Andhra Pradesh. The book is dedicated to Late Prof. V.L. Chopra, Former Director General, ICAR and Chancellor Central University Kasargode for his contributions to agriculture science in India.
1. Chapter I.Recent Gene Editing Techniques
2. Chapter II.Genomic Modification of Horticultural Crops Using CRISPR CAS Technology
3. Chapter III.Biofortification of Banana –Methods and Prospects
4. Chapter IV.Registration of trait-specific resources of horticultural crops in INDIA
5. Chapter V.Nursery Practices and advice concerning correct planting depth of trees in U.K.
6. Chapter VI.History of flower breeding
7. Chapter VII.Recent Advances in Nematode Management in Vegetable Crops
8. Chapter VIII.Citrus root stocks;Recent trends
9. Chapter IX.Fertility Management for Horticultural Crops in Soils of warm humid tropics
10. Chapter X.Towards zero loss in post harvest of tropical and sub-tropical fruits
11. Chapter XI Released fruit varieties and hybrids in India
12. Chapter XII.Mechanics of drying fruits and vegetables
13. Chapter XIII.Application of Ultrasonication in food industry
14. Chapter XIV.Protection of Agriculture related IPs in Agreement with The Biological Diversity Act,2002