With the growing population and technological innovations, the water needs for drinking, industry & agriculture and as well wastages are growing rapidly.For appropriate planning &management of water resources use, one needs realistic estimates of water availability in space and time under changing climate which is beyond human control; and increased levels of man-made water contamination from different sources. The principal objective of this book is to put the water availability under the current climate change scenario; and help government planning. To achieve this goal, one need reliable and unbiased water availability estimates; and also one must understand the limitations of methods-data used in the estimation of water availability. This book discussed these issues in practical way.
1. Preface
2. Water Scenario in India
2.1 Introduction
2.2 River Systems Scenario
2.3 Surface Water Scenario
2.4 Groundwater Scenario
2.5 Watershed Programme Scenario
2.6 Concluding Remarks
3. Irrigation Scenario in India
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Water Conservation Scenario
3.3 Irrigation Systems Scenario
3.4 Two Major Projects on Godavari: A Case Study
3.5 Inter-linking of Rivers Scenario
3.6 Pros & Cons of irrigation Systems Scenario
3.7 Concluding Remarks
4. Current Water Scarcity Scenario in India
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Water under Pollution Perspective Scenario
4.3 Water under Climate Change Perspective Scenario
4.4 Urban “Floods & Water Quality” Scenario
4.5 Concluding Remarks
5. Summary and Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 General Issues
5.3 Specific Issues
5.4 Summary
Annexure I: Water Availability at Macro to Micro level: An Example
Annexure II: List of Dams & Reservoirs in India