Floriculture: Principles and Applications includes 21 chapters full of clear cut information for the interested parties of floriculture. Chapter-wise summary of the book is presented as follows .
The first chapter consists of introduction which deals with present status, scope, export potential of floriculture products and prospects of diversification in floriculture. The second chapter consists of history of gardening which deals with gardening in various parts of the world and in India. The third chapter deals with nursery management and plant propagation which consists of necessity of nursery, type of floricultural nursery, layout and planning of nursery, propagating techniques, insect-pests and diseases of nursery. The fourth chapter consists of the use of plant bioregulators in floriculture which deals with the type of plant bioregulators, its use in plant propagation, control of plant height, flowering, senescence, pinching, dormancy and vase life. The fifth chapter deals annuals and herbaceous perennials which consists of classification of annuals, herbaceous perennials, their cultural management and description of some important annuals and herbaceous perennials. The sixth chapter consists of flower seeds production. The seventh chapter consists of herbaceous border. Chapter eight consists of lawn and its management. The ninth chapter consists of shrubs and climbers which deals with classification of shrubs and climbers, cultural management and description of some important shrubs and climbers. The tenth chapter consists of shrubbery borders, hedges, edges, topiary, arches and pergolas.
The eleventh chapter consists of trees which deals with selection, maintenance and care and description of some important trees. The twelfth chapter consists of bioaesthtic planning. The thirteenth chapter consists of bulbous and foliage plants which deals with cultural management and description of some important bulbous and foliage plants. The fourteenth chapter consists of cacti, succulants and ferns which deals with their management and description of some important cacti, succulents and ferns. The fifteenth chapter consists of orchids which deals with the cultivation and description of some important orchids. The sixteenth chapter consists of palms and cycads which deals with important, cultivation and maintenance, different types and utility of palms and cycads. Seventeenth chapter consists of bonsai which deals with the classification, culture and management of bonsai. The eighteenth chapter consists of principles and features of garden designs which deals with principles of garden designs, styles of gardens and different features of gardens. The nineteenth chapter consists of indoor gardening which deals with the selection of house plants, management of indoor plants, gardening in bulbs and urns, hanging baskets, window gardens, thoughs, bowls and trays, vertical garden, Jar and bottle gardening and tenrariums. The twentieth chapter consists of rock and water gardening which deals with the construction and management and plant suitable for rock and water gardens, marsh gardens, sunken garden and gardening in the shade. The twenty-first chapter consists of roof gardening which deals with what is green roof, history, type of green roofs, benefits of green roof, roof conditions and suitability for greening and plants used in roof gardening.
1. Introduction
2. History of Gardening
3. Nursery Management and Plant Propagation
4. The Use of Plant Bioregulators in Floriculture
5. Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials
6. Flower Seeds Production
7. Herbaceous Border
8. Lawn and its Management
9. Shrubs and Climbers
10. Shrubbery Borders, Hedges, Edges, Topiary, Arches and Pergolas
11. Trees
12. Bio-Aesthetic Planning
13. Bulbous and Foliage Plants
14. Cacti, Succulents and Ferns
15. Orchids
16. Palms and Cycads
17. Bonsai
18. Principles and Features of Garden Designs
19. Indoor Gardening
20. Rock and Water Gardening
21. Roof Gardening