Our forefathers developed environment friendly systems of agriculture-horticulture, based on their 100’s of years’ experiences for soil-climate systems for different parts of India. These were replaced by subsidy driven – western-profit driven new technologies that were developed with few years’ experiences created high risk along with destruction of environment. The two important factors that play vital role in the production of food are irrigation and changes in climate with the time. However, water pollution plays the spoil sport and thus on quality of food produced. Adulterated food, a human greed component in the modern world, is counteracting in achieving the quality of food and thus increasing health hazards-health care bills.
The principal objective of this book is to put the agriculture in the perspective of climate change and help government planning and farmers’ adaptation to mitigate or minimize the impacts of weather aberrations on agriculture on one hand and identifying the proper agriculture system on the other to achieve sustainable food and nutrient security along with socio-economic security at given location/region/country. These issues are discussed relating to food production to achieve food & nutrition security in light of growing population, limited land, diminishing farm size; highly variable weather with the space and time, identifying human greed components, etc.
– This book discussed pollution free form of framework of workable “Green” Green Revolution that fits into climate change, a concept of 2nd green revolution.
– This book provides a practical guide to students and as well to planners on the ground realities of the agriculture in the perspective of climate change & polluted water; and thus it is useful as reference manual.
– There are lots of misnomers on agriculture system & climate change created by vested groups that are affecting the agriculture on ground, more particularly in the area of research. The book provides the clarity on some such issues.
1. Introduction
1.1 Historical Perspective
1.2 Sustainable Agriculture
1.3 Climate Change
1.4 Concluding Remarks
2. Current Agriculture Scenario
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Agriculture Technology
2.3 Few Components of Present Agriculture
2.4 ICAR’s Vision 2030
2.5 FAO’s 2016 Report
2.6 Vote Bank Politics
2.7 Direct Payment of Fertilizer Subsidy to Farmers
3. Future Agriculture Scenario
3.1 Conceptualization of “Green” Green Revolution
3.2 Cooperative Agriculture Related Issues
3.3 Organic Farming System Related Issues
3.4 Few Suggestions
4. The Climate Change Perspective
4.1 Climate Scenario
4.2 Crop Production Scenario
4.3 Climate Change Scenario
5. For a Workable “Green” Green Revolution: A Framework
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Workable “Green” Green Revolution must be a Sustainable System
5.3 Soil & Climate
5.4 Production and Productivity
5.5 Tips to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture
6. Summary & Conclusions
6.1 General Issues
6.2 Specific Issues
6.3 Vote Bank Politics