The significance of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops is on top of the agenda of all those who are concerned with Phytochemistry, good agricultural practices, botany and environmental issues. The book is an attempt to compile a wealth of information on Medicinal and Aromatic crops resources of India.
– Details on botanical description, ecological description, crops improvement, crop protection and agronomic practices are also included.
– The uniqueness about this book is the vivid description of various crops under cultivation, land race and varieties in vogue in India.
– The book which is a systematic compilation of available information on promising 74 species of cultivated medicinal and aromatic crops and 18 underutilized crops helps in providing specific information on the cultivation and utilization of these crops to farmers, academicians, students and related user industries.
1. Introduction
2. Aconitum
3. Acorus
4. Aegle
5. Alpinia
6. Alstonia
7. Asparagus
8. Aloe
9. Andrographis
10. Artemesia
11. Atropa
12. Bacopa
13. Baliospermum
14. Bixa
15. Boswellia
16. Buchanaia
17. Butea
18. Caesalpinia
19. Cassia
20. Catharanthus
21. Clerodendrum
22. Chiraita
23. Cyperus
24. Colchicum
25. Coleus
26. Commiphora
27. Curculigo
28. Curcuma
29. Centella
30. Chlorophytum
31. Cymbopogon
32. Derris
33. Desmodium
34. Dioscorea
35. Decalepis
36. Eclipta
37. Emblica
38. Gloriosa
39. Gymnema
40. Hedychium
41. Hemidesmus
42. Inula
43. Jatropha
44. Lawssonia
45. Mentha
46. Mucuna
47. Madhuca
48. Mesua
49. Mimusopes
50. Ocimum
51. Phyllanthus
52. Piper
54. Rauvolfia
55. Stevia
56. Solanum
57. Plantago
58. Picrorhiza
59. Plumbago
60. Pterocarpus
61. Pelargonium
62. Rosemary
63. Vettiver
64. Withania
65. Tephrosia
66. Tinospora
67. Trachyspermum
68. Rubia
69. Sapindus
70. Semecarpus
71. Streculia
72. Strychnos
73. Terminalia
74. Terminalia
75. Abrus
76. Achyranthes
77. Adhatoda
78. Anogeissus
79. Azardicha
80. Cassia
81. Catunaregum
82. Celastrus
83. Citrullus
84. Cochlospermum
85. Curculigo
86. Cyperus
87. Feronia
88. Gardenia
89. Helecteris
90. Holarrhena
91. Ichnocarpus
92. Tribulus