In this book, author(s) have written on new syllabus recommended by 5th Dean’s Committee. This book scientifically covers various aspects based on the updated syllabus regarding Fundamentals of Horticulture and details out the importance, future scope, branches, classification, perpetuation techniques, structure, principles and methods of plantation, rejuvenation techniques, concept of irrigation and fertilizers application, use of bio-regulators agriculture and allied sectors with simple and understandable language for the students. This will also be accommodating to the growers, industrialists, nurserymen etc. The horticulture sector encompasses of a wide range of crops viz., fruit, vegetable, ornamental, medicinal, spices, plantation etc. This book also consists of diagrammatic representations of topics and various recorded observations compiled to form tabular information.
Various exercises have also been included in the book to check the progress of the learners in the form of multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, match the columns, short answer type questions.
1. Horticulture, Branches, Importance and Scope
2. Horticultural and Botanical Classification
3. Climate and Soil for Horticultural Crops
4. Plant Propagation – Methods
5. Plant Propagating Structures
6. Orchard
7. Training & Pruning
8. Juvenility and Flower Bud Differentiation
9. Unfruitfulness
10. Pollination, Pollinizers and Pollinators
11. Fertilization and Parthenocarpy
12. Kitchen Gardening: Garden Types and Parts
13. Lawn Making
14. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
15. Spices & Condiments
16. Use of Plant Bio-Regulators in Horticulture
17. Irrigation & Fertilization Application – Methods & Quantity