Consisting of 35 chapters, Production Technology of Fruits and Plantation Crops discusses the latest techniques and technology used in the current scenario for the production of fruits and plantation crops. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of undergraduate students in the field of fruit and plantation crops.
• Each chapter has been divided into introduction, uses, area, production and productivity, climate and soil, botanical description, cultivars, plant propagation, rootstocks, planting, training and pruning, manures and fertilizers, irrigation management, interculture, flowering and pollination, thinning of fruits, weed management, insect-pests management, disease management, physiological disorders, maturity stage and indices, harvesting and yield and storage and marketing.
• Glossary containing related terms has been given along with selected references to obtain for further information.
• The contents have been cruated according to the latest syllabus of the 5th Deans’ Committee Recommendations
1. Introduction
2. Apple
3. Pear
4. Peach
5. Plum
6. Apricot
7. Cherry
8. Kiwifruit
9. Strawberry
10. Almond
11. Walnut
12. Chestnut
13. Pecannut
14. Citrus fruits
15. Grape
16. Litchi
17. Pomegranate
18. Ber
19. Aonla
20. Bael
21. Karonda
22. Phalsa
23. Mango
24. Banana
25. Guava
26. Papaya
27. Sapota
28. Pineapple
29. Jackfruit
30. Coconut
31. Arecanut
32. Tea
33. Coffee
34. Cashewnut
35. Betelvine