Zero Hunger India: Perspectives and Policies is based on 6 philosophical Preambles, first of which is by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan. The book discusses the multi-faceted solutions on eradicating hunger and malnutrition of India. Advancements in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, fisheries, husbandry, climate change, raising farmer’s income, extension services, gender inequalities and many more have been discussed by eminent personalities of each field with the single focus of making India hunger free.
The book brings together the latest research in agricultural sciences around the DARE network to help with the single goal of eradication of malnutrition and hunger. Director Generals, Deans, VCs, Directors from all sectors of Agriculture have come together to present a landmark work that will guide India towards a Green Revolution 2.0.
Foreword is by Hon. Ex-PM Of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, a keen academic himself, Dr. Singh was the Prime Minister during the period of passage of the food security bill.
Six messages from Members of Parliament and Present and Former Director Generals of ICAR, New Delhi provide views by men and women of eminence.
The also book carries an Extended Foreword by Prof. K V. Thomas M.P., the then Minister of Agriculture and Civil Supplies, GOI who piloted the National Food Security Act-2013 successfully.
The book is dedicated to Prof. M S Swaminathan, the man who’s vision bridged us from a nation borne out of hunger to it’s state of agricultural surplus currently, on his 93rd birth day on 7th August 2018.
Foreword – Hon. Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh
Extended Foreword – Prof. KV Thomas
Message – M. Ramachandran
Message: T. Mohapatra
Message: Panjab Singh
Message: R.S. Paroda
Message: V.L. Chopra
Message: Manju Sharma
1. Role of International Years in meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge – Prof. M.S. Swaminathan
2. A Life of Dignity for All: Accelerating Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals and Advancing the United Nations Development Agenda Beyond 2015 – Ban Ki Moon
3. Transforming Indian Agriculture: by Loving Some Agriculture Less and the Rest More – Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India
4. Market Liberalization for Horticulture Revolution at Small Farms – Ramesh Chand
5. Mismatch between Policies and Development Priorities in Agriculture – National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
6. Strategy for Transformation of Indian Agriculture for Doubling Farm Income and Improving Farmers Welfare – National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1. Zero Hunger India: The Challenge – R.B. Singh
2. Hunger and Food Security in India – Binoo P Bonny, Sachana P.C, Sreejith Kumar, V. P. Sandra George and K.V. Peter
3. Is Food Security an Answer to Hunger in India? – Praveen Kumar Jain
4. Knowledge Management Perspective of Zero Hunger Challenge Programme in India – A.T. Francis
5. Economics of Gender Initiatives for Hunger Free India – Indira Devi P and Judy Thomas
6. Nutrition Security and Women Empowerment – Jayasree Krishnankutty and K.V. Peter
7. Ever Green Revolution: Key to Improving Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of Indians – Prema Ramachandran
8. The Challenge of Hidden Hunger-micronutrient Deficiencies – K. Madhavan Nair and Mahtab S Bamji
9. Promotion of Horticulture for Nutritional Security – Narayan G. Hegde
10. New Age Herbals for Nutrition Security – Brahma Singh
11. Fruits and Hidden Hunger – S.K. Mitra and P. Rajendran
12. Nutrition Security Through Minor Fruits – Prakash Chandra Tripathi
13. Management of Hidden Hunger by Cashew Apple Products – A. Sobhana
14. Livelihood Security Through Coconut Palms– Experiences of Coconut Communities in India – V Rajagopal, C V Sairam, S. Arulraj, C Thamban and S J D Bosco
15. Science Led Vegetable Technologies to Aid Food Security – Hari Har Ram
16. Mitigating Food and Nutrition Insecurity of the Masses Through Vegetables in this Millennium – K.V. Peter, B. Singh and P.G. Sadhan Kumar
17. Microgreens for Food and Nutritional Security – Navya. K and K. D. Desai
18. Livelihood Opportunities in Floriculture – T. Janakiram and K.V. Prasad
19. Fish for Food and Nutritional Security – S. Ayyappan
20. Pisciculture for Nutritional Security – S Vincent
21. Suggestions to Fishery Biologists and Government of India – T J Pandian
22. Safety of Aquacultured Products: Emerging Issues and Immediate Challenges – Satyen Kumar Panda and C.N. Ravishankar
23. Towards a Food Secure Zone through Farming Commercially Important Crustaceans – Dinesh Kaippilly
24. Livestock for Enhancing Farmers’ Income and Food & Nutritional Security – A.K. Srivastava and A. Kumaresan
25. Millets in A Zero Hunger India – B Venkatesh Bhat, Vilas A Tonapi and H.S.Gupta
26. Biotech-Innovations for Food and Nutrition Security – E.V. Sonia, Lakshmi Priya and Aswathy, U.
27. Climate Change and Agriculture – G.S.L.H.V. Prasada Rao
28. Dynamics of Water for Food and Nutrition – Ravinder Kaur
29. More Crop Per Drop: Towards Food and Nutrition Security – E J Joseph
30. Extension Service Delivery for Food Security demands reforms – R M Prasad