The book entitled “Moringa -A Wonder Tree” is a compilation of extensive reference text generated through impressive research work of many moringa scientists in India and other countries. This comprehensive book provides latest available information of noted experts regarding moringa’s origin and distribution, nutritional profile, therapeutic, pharmaceutical properties and potential industrial applications, propagation, crop improvement, varieties and landraces, crop management, post harvest, value addition and seed production under fourteen chapters.
This book is very helpful to the students, scientists, farming community and personals linked with moringa, who wish to update the knowledge about moringa on various aspects.
1. Origin and distribution
2. Nutritive value and uses of moringa
3. Potential industrial uses of moringa
4. Taxanomy and botany
5. Propagation, growth and development
6. Genetics and breeding
7. Species, varieties and ecotypes/ landraces of moringa
8. Package of practices
9. System of moringa cultivation
10. Pest of Moringa and management strategies
11 Diseases of moringa and management strategies
12. Post harvest management and value addition in moringa
13. Seed production of annual moringa
14 Production technology of annual moringa