Quality seed and planting material is the foremost and most cost effective input for crop production. Now it is not only a question of providing enough vegetables, tubers and spice for a balance diet, but also to produce good quality seeds and planting materials of these crops that are acceptable by the farmers and competitive in the international market. This book “Seed production technology for vegetable, tuber and spice crops” is intended as a reference for all concerned with the basic seed production technology of 56 important vegetable, tuber and spice crops – history of seed production, classification of crops, climatic factors affecting seed production, crop botany and floral biology, mode of pollination and reproduction, pollination control mechanisms, principles of seed production, land requirements, field inspection, field and seed standards, brief cultural practices, plant protection measures, techniques for hybrid seed production, quality of seed, seed germination, factors affecting deterioration of a variety, testing the purity of a variety / hybrid, biotechnology in seed production, national seed policy, seed certification, seed act and seed rules. This book may be of great utility and intend to be a better guide to the students, teachers, research scientist, extension worker, policy makers, various seed companies, horticulturists, vegetable seeds producers and farming community as a whole who directly and indirectly are engaged in the production of quality seeds and planting materials.
1. History of Seed Industry in India
2. Importance and Scope of Vegetable Seed Production in India
3. Botanical classification of Vegetable, Tuber and Spice Crops
4. Flowering, Reproduction, Seed Development and Germination
5. Mode of Pollination and Reproduction
6. Factors Affecting Seed Production
7. Maintenance of Genetic Purity
8. Principles of Seed Production
9. Pollination Control Mechanisms
10. Heterosis and Hybrid Seed Production
11. Post-harvest Handling of Seeds
12. Viability and Longevity of seeds
13. Seed Storage
14. Testing the Purity of a Variety or Hybrid
15. Rules and Regulations for Quality Seed Production
16. Seed Production Technology of Vegetable Crops
17. Seed Production Technology of Spice Crops
18. Seed Tuber and True Seed Production of Potato
19. Multiplication of Asexually Propagated Crops
20. Hybrid Seed Production of Different Vegetable Crops