This book entitled “Impact of KVKs Training on Dairy Farmers” contain the useful information about a front line extension model of ICAR i.e. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, its beginning, mandate, operational modalities , organizational structure, and present network and outreach for welfare of farmers, farm women and rural youth. This book also contain the information about Propensity Matching Score Method and path analysis technique used in assessment of KVKs training on dairy farmers. The socio-personal profile of the respondents, their mass media exposure, extension contact, sources of information, training participation, employment generation, daily milk production, income from dairy, social participation, economic motivation, entrepreneurial behaviour, attitude towards dairy farming, knowledge level about scientific dairy practices, adoption of scientific dairy practices, regression analysis between the independent variables and net annual income from dairy farming, direct and indirect effect of independent variables on net annual income from dairy farming, regression analysis between the independent variables and knowledge of scientific dairy practices, direct and indirect effect of independent variables on knowledge of Regression analysis between the independent variables and adoption of scientific dairy practices, direct and indirect effect of independent variables on adoption of scientific dairy practices, constraints perceived in dairy farming, constraints experienced by trainees in training programme, and the suggestions by trainees for enhancing the effectiveness of training. This book will be helpful for research scholar, researchers, academician for using the impact findings and the techniques employed in impact assessment of development programme.
- Introduction
- Research Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Summary and Conclusions