Since the new VCI course curriculum was implemented, need of a suitable literature for the students of Pathology was felt at many fora, Pathology forms a vital link between basic subjects of anatomy, biochemistry and a physiology on the one hand, and clinical subjects of surgery, gynaecology and medicine, on the other. The students of Veterinary Pathology faced difficulties in understanding exhaustive and voluminous books on the subjects without photographs and illustrations.The main purpose of the Text Book of Illustrated Veterinary Pathology, is to provide the Undergraduate Veterinary Students a textbook with diagrams and photographs to make the text comprehensive.
The book is well illustrated and provided with salient features of macroscopic and microscopic observations and divided in six sections as per new VCI syllabus. Section-1 General pathology describes the general features of Pathology includin gbasic information, etiology, disturbances in cell metabolism, growth, circulation, pigment metabolism, necrosis, concretions, inflammation and immunopathological alterations. Section-2 Systemic Pathology covers various pathological conditions of different systems including cutaneous, musculo-skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, genital, hemopoitic, nervous and eyes ans ear. Section-3 includes oncology, clinical pathology and necropsy while Section-4 describes about details of various bacterial, viral, chlamydial, rickettsial, mycoplasmal, parasitic, fungal, spirochaetal, prion, metabolic and toxic disease conditions of domestic animals. Section-5 provides information about the avian inflammation, bacterial, viral, chlamydial, spirochetal, mycoplasmal,fungal, parasitic, nutritional disease conditions of the poultry including vices and miscellaneous conditions. The last section-6 describes the pathology of various disease conditions in laboratory animals like mice, Guinea pigs, rats, rabbits and wild animals.
Differential features of various pathological conditions are incorporated at the appropriate places.This book will provide the knowledge on various pathological conditions mainly prevailed in India. It contains the essence of author’s more than 35 years experience of livestock and poultry disease investigations in India. This book will be useful to the undergraduate as well as post graduate students in their study, teachers, field veterinarians, zoo and wild life veterinarians, livestock and poultry breeders and farmers for diagnosis of animal and poultry disease conditions.
1. Introduction
2. Etiology
3. Disturbances in Circulation
4. Disturbances in Cell Metabolism
5. Necrosis, Gangrene and Post-Mortem Changes
6. Inflammation and Healing
7. Immunity and Immunopathology
8. Disturbances in Calcification and Pigment Metabolism
9. Disturbances in Growth
10. Concretions
11. Pathology of Cutaneous System
12. Pathology of Musculoskeletal System
13. Pathology of Cardiovascular System
14. Pathology Respiratory System
15. Pathology of Digestive System
16. Pathology of Hemopoitic and Immune System
17. Pathology of Urinary System
18. Pathology of Genital System
19. Pathology of Nervous System
20. Pathology of Endocrine System, Eyes and Ear
21. Animal Oncology
22. Examination of Blood
23. Examination of Blood and Serum for Biochemical Attributes
24. Examination of Bone Marrow
25. Examination of Urine
26. Examination of Feces
27. Examination of Milk
28. Examination of Skin Scrapings
29. Examination of Synovial Fluid
30. Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid
31. Examination of Semen
32. Clinical Microbiology
33. Cytopathology
34. Necropsy (Techniques of Post-mortem Examination)
35. Viral Diseases
36. Bacterial Diseases
37. Chlamydial Diseases
38. Rickettsial Diseases
39. Mycoplasmal Diseases
40. Spirochaetal Diseases
41. Prion Diseases
42. Fungal Diseases
43. Parasitic Diseases
44. Nutritioal Imbalances and Metabolic Disorders
45. Toxicopathology
46. Avian Inflammation
47. Pathology of Nutritional Disorders
48. Viral Diseases
49. Bacterial Diseases
50. Chlamydial Disease
51. Mycoplasmal Diseases
52. Spirochaetal Disease
53. Fungal Diseases
54. Parasitic Diseases
55. Vices and Miscellaneous Disease Conditions
56. Diseases of Mice, Rat and Hamsters
57. Diseases of Rabbits
58. Diseases of Wild Animals