The present book titled “Piggery Entrepreneurship: Insights from PashuVigyan Incubator
Trainees, offers indispensible perspective into the world of piggery entrepreneurship, as
shared by the accomplished trainees of PashuVigyan Incubator. It delves into the practical
wisdom, innovative strategies and real-world exposure that have shaped successful ventures
in this unique and thriving business of pig farming. The book encompasses the piggery
entrepreneurship journey of the trainees and the reflection in their lives. It showcases the
socioeconomic profile of the trainees interested in the piggery Entrepreneurship Development
Programmes(EDP) and the distribution of the participants and piggery venture startups all
over India. There is a reflection of communication variables of the trainees such as their
extension agency contact, mass media exposure and sources of information used most
frequently. The book also throws light on their formal education, information utilization
pattern, social participation and level of overall entrepreneurial behavior which includes
characteristics like innovativeness, achievement motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness
and self-confidence. The book also deals with the knowledge about scientific pig management
& prevalence of adoption of scientific piggery practices among the entrepreneurs which in
turn reflects their favourable/unfavourable attitude towards scientific pig management
practices. There is a significant discussion of employment generation by starting the pig
enterprises and the substantial change in annual income before and after starting the piggery
enterprises. The benefit cost ratio and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall
entrepreneurial atmosphere is also discussed. The books also addresses at length about the
income and profit generation in this field tracing and interconnecting various personal and
formal information about the trainees of the EDP. Various constraints and lacunae in the system
like lack of government aid, lack of training, market place constraints and other hindrances in
the way of their enterprise expedition. Suggestions and feedback for training institutions from
the trainees is also examined thus providing a rounded up experience to the readers, which
may be redesigned for future budding entrepreneurs. This book is a blend of firsthand
accounts, practical & actionable advice & scientific knowledge and entrepreneurial insights
tailored to unique challenges and opportunities specific to the context of piggery farming,
which will be helpful for academicians,
Research Methodology
Results & Discussion
Summary and Conclusion