Text Book on Principles of Seed Science and Technology

Sujit Kumar Yadav, Shaurya Singh, Srijan Yadav, Arun Kumar


This textbook serves as an essential resource for students, researchers, and professionals
immersed in the intricacies of seed science and technology. The comprehensive exploration of
seed-related topics spans various chapters, each meticulously presented on separate pages
for ease of reference.
Commencing with a historical overview of the seed industry in India, the book systematically
addresses key facets such as seed formation, germination, and development. Each chapter is
dedicated to specific elements of seed technology, offering insights into policy frameworks,
testing procedures, and the planning of seed production.
Crop-specific chapters, thoughtfully laid out on distinct pages, provide in-depth knowledge
on production techniques for cereals, oilseeds, pulse crops, and vegetables. The complexities
of hybrid seed production are elucidated in a manner that offers a holistic understanding of
modern seed breeding practices.
The legal and regulatory landscape surrounding seeds is meticulously explored, covering
seed certification, laws, and international trade regulations. Intellectual property rights and
the role of the World Trade Organization in safeguarding plant varieties and farmers’ rights
are scrutinized in separate sections.
This dynamic resource is not a mere compilation of facts but a guide that addresses
contemporary challenges and opportunities in seed science. With each chapter thoughtfully
presented on distinct pages, the book is structured to facilitate easy navigation and quick

 Introduction 􀀝 Concept and Goals of Seed
 History of Seed Industry in India
 Seed Formation
 Seed Germination
 Seed Development
 Seed Production
 Seed Policy
 Testing, Release and Noti􀀭cation of Varieties􀀝
 Seed Demand Forecasting and Planning for
Certi􀀭ed, Foundation And Breeder Seed
 Deterioration of Crop Varieties 􀀝 Causes and
 Seed Quality
 Classes of Seed
 Seed Production in Maize
 Hybrid Seed Production in Maize
 Seed Production Techniques in Paddy Varieties
 Hybrid Seed Production in Paddy
 Seed Production in Sorghum
 Hybrid Seed Production in Sorghum
 Seed Production in Pearl Millet
 Seed Production in Cotton Varieties and
 Seed Production in Sun􀀶ower
 Seed Production in Varieties and Hybrids of
 Seed Production Techniques in Vegetables
Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentus)
 Brinjal (Solanum melongena)
 Chilli (Capsicum frutescense)
 Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus)
 Onion (Allium cepa)
 Seed Production of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables
Seed Certi􀀭cation
 Seed Act and Rule
 World Trade Organization 􀀝 Protection of Plant Varieteis and
Farmers Rights Act 􀀝 Intellectual Property Rights􀀝 Plant
Breeder􀀿s Rights
 Varietal Identi􀀭cation
 Seed Viability
 Seed Dormancy
 Seed Drying
 Seed Processing
 Seed Treatment
 Seed Storage
 Seed Marketing
 Pricing Policy
 Seed Legislation in India
 Seed Law Enforcement
 Seed Testing