This textbook presents all the knowledge you need to get through your clinical pharmacy course and beyond, using a clear and accessible approach that makes the material easy and interesting to learn. The book contains a comprehensive description and an overview of existing knowledge of Pharmacovigilance and makes it appropriate for introductory and institutional purposes. This book is designed to impart the knowledge and area of advances in management skills of Clinical pharmacies. It covers the new syllabus of pharmacy courses (D. Pharm and Pharm D). Additionally, this book will be useful for healthcare postgraduate students, professionals, industry professionals and those engaged in clinical research in academia and the pharmaceutical industry. The book contains numerous specimens, vivid illustrations, tables, diagrams and flow diagrams to present the ideas, which could be helpful for students and researchers. All the chapters have been updated along with perfect for concise review or primary learning.
The outstanding features are:
Monitor drug therapy of patients through medication chart review and clinical review.
Obtain medication history interviews and counsel the patients.
Identify and resolve drug-related problems.
Detect, assess and monitor adverse drug reactions.
Interpret selected laboratory results (as monitoring parameters in therapeutics) of specific disease states.
Retrieve, analyse, interpret and formulate drug or medicine information.
Clinical Pharmacy
Introduction to Daily Activities of a Clinical Pharmacist
Patient Data Analysis
Clinical Laboratory Tests Used in the Evaluation of Disease States and Interpretation of Test Results
Drug and Poison Information
Communication Skills
Pharmaceutical Care Concepts
Critical Evaluation of Biomedical Literature
Medication Errors