This manual deals with practices in the laboratory for isolation of plant pathogens, use of microscopy for identification of microbes and other techniques involving bioassays. The manual provides a brief about all the basic and important laboratory equipments, their working principle and their use. The procedures to be followed for the handling of micro organisms in the laboratory conditions are also mentioned. It covers the description of symptoms of the plant diseases with images which will helpful to the students in recognizing some basic symptoms of plant diseases. It describes use of different types of microscopes to help the students gain knowledge about their use. The protocol for the preparation of culture media,
isolation of plant pathogens, isolation of their genomic DNA, methods to assess the efficacy of fungicides and bio control agents are described along with methods for application. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of undergraduates, post graduates, researchers and teachers in the field of plant pathology and microbiology.
Acquaintance With Various Plant Pathology Laboratory Equipment and Glass Wares
Acquaintance with Different Types of Microscopes
Counting of Cells/Spores of Microorganisms
Preparation of Culture Media
Study of Diagnostic Symptoms of Plant Diseases
Collection and Preservation of Disease Samples
Study of General Characteristics of Fungi
Isolation of Plant Pathogen- Fungi
Demonstration of Proving Koch’s Postulates
Preparation and Observation of Microscopic Slide
Isolation of Plant Pathogen-Bacteria
Gram’s Staining and Identification of Bacteria
Isolation of Plant Viruses
General Characteristics, Morphology and Classification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Methods for Extraction of Nematode from Soil by Sieving and Decantation Method
Sampling and Extraction of Nematode from Diseased Plant Material
Classification of Fungicides
Preparation of Fungicides (Bordeaux Mixture, Bordeaux paste, Chestnut Compound)
Methods of Application of Pesticides and Measures for their Safe Use
Methodology for Bioassay of Fungicides
Study of Formulations of Fungicides
Bio-control of Plant Pathogens
Study of Phanerogamic Plant Parasites
Isolation of Fungal and Bacterial DNA