Millets are termed as “Nutri-cereals” or “Dryland cereals and are often cultivated in challenging environmental conditions characterized by drought, high temperature, and low fertility soil. The potential to improve food and nutritional security in many parts of the world, millets serve as a nutri food. Millet, in particular, is a nutritionally-rich crop that is rich in niacin and other essential nutrients. However, to fully realize the potential of millets in improving food and nutritional security, it is important to address the challenges and opportunities in promoting millet cultivation and consumption
Diversity in Millets for Climate Resilience and Sustainability
Adaptation of Millets to Drought Stress Tolerance
Genetic engineering approaches for millets improvement
Millets: A Food for Nutritional Security in India
Harnessing the Diversity in Millets for Climate Resilience and
Inuence of Legumes in Millets-Based Cropping System as a
Sustainable Income for Millet Growing Farmers in Northern Tamil
Millet Based Agroforestry Systems for Climate Resilience
Physiological Adaptation of Millets to Drought Stress Tolerance
Salicylic Acid and its Function in Small Millets Immunity
Improved Productivity and Quality Associated with Nutrients and
Growth Regulators Application in Small Millets
Finger Millet Banana Malt Beverage Mix
Genetic Engineering Approaches for Pearl, Finger, and Foxtail Millets
Improvement-An Overview
Economic Analysis of Minor Millets – An Empirical Evidence from Tamil Nadu
Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project
Millets Nutri Cereals for Health Benets
Technological Advancement in Millet Industry
Insect Pests of Millets and Host Plant Resistance in Integrated Pest
Management- A Review