The book entitled “Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II” is a very sincere attempt to arouse the interest of the students in these fast developing branches of Pharmaceutical sciences. This book is written in easily understandable and tacky language so that students easily grasp the contents that they need, the book is
intended as a theory cum practical for students appearing B.Pharmacy fifth (V) semester. The book is designed to have 5 chapters. Each chapter is written with the aim to give a reasonable background to academician and researchers in the respective topic. The objective of the authors is fully achieved by systemic assemblage of the well-written chapters with neat and clean well-labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Suggestions and criticisms will always be solicited by the authors to further improve the quality of the book in real sense.
The salient features of this book are:
It is based on the prescribed syllabus of pharmacy council of India (PCI), New Delhi.
It provides wide knowledge of pharmacognosy and its importance in pharmacy field.
Detailed and comprehensive subject matter with well-labelled diagrams, structural illustrations.
It also includes frequently asked viva-voce as well as frequently asked questions.
Experiment No. 01. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters a nd
powder microscopy of Cinchona bark
Experiment No. 02. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Clove Bud
Experiment No. 03. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Cinnamon bark
Experiment No. 04. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Senna Leaf
Experiment No. 05. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Ephedra
Experiment No. 06. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Fennel
Experiment No. 07. To Study the morphological, microscopical characters and
powder microscopy of Coriander
Experiment No. 08. To Extract Caffeine From Tea Dust
Experiment No. 09. To extract Diosgenin from Dioscorea
Experiment No. 10. To extract Atropine from belladonna
Experiment No. 11. To extract sennoside from senna
Experiment No. 12. Seperation of Sugars By Paper Chromatography
Experiment No. 13. Isolation and identication of Eugenol from Clove bud
Experiment No. 14. Isolation and identication of Curcumin from Turmeric
Experiment No. 15. Isolation and identication of Piperine from black pepper
Experiment No. 16. To identify the given sample of unorganized drug with the help of
Physical and Chemical tests (ASAFOETIDA)
Experiment No. 17. To identify the given sample of unorganized drug with the help of
Physical and chemical tests (BENZOIN)
Experiment No. 18. To identify the given sample of unorganized drug with the help of
Physical and chemical tests (COLOPHONY)
Experiment No. 19. To identify the given sample of unorganized drug with the help of
Physical and chemical tests (ALOE)
Experiment No. 20. To identify the given sample of unorganized drug with the help of
Physical and chemical tests (MYRRH)