Efficient designs are used by the agricultural researchers in conducting their
experiments and analysing the data from designed experiments. There has been a lack of comprehensive text books on Research techniques in Agronomy suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This book has been written in accordance with the new course on “Experimental Techniques in Agronomy” as proposed by National Core Group (NCG), constituted by ICAR to cope up with fast changing national and international scenario.
The main purpose of this book is to sustain the interest of the students and teachers on Research techniques. Thus, efforts are made to describe the Research techniques in systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter is both narrative and critical. Illustrations have been added to make the subject matter more clear.
The book is divided into sixteen chapters viz., Introduction, Agricultural Research in India, Types, levels and methods of research, Basic concepts and measurement of data, Experimental designs, Correlation and regression, Crop response curves, Response surfaces, Crop modelling, Biometric observations and other ancillary data collection, Economic and energy analysis, Preparation of scientific papers, Presentation in Seminar/Symposium/Conference/Workshop, Thesis writing, Software in agricultural research, Research project proposal, format and screening, and Ethical issues in agronomic research have been discussed.
The book covers comprehensively the content of “Experimental Techniques in Agricultural Research” in general and “Research techniques in Agronomy” in particular to be offered for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Agricultural Universities in the country.
The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the students, teachers and research scientists of Agricultural Universities in general and Agronomy in specific as proposed by NCG of ICAR.
Agricultural Research in India
Types, Levels and Methods of research
Basic Concepts and Measurement of Data
Experimental designs
Transformation of Data and Missing plot Technique
Correlation and Regression
Crop Response Curves, Response Surfaces, Crop Modelling
Biometric Observations and Other Ancillary Data Collection
Economic and Energy Analysis
Preparation of Scientic Papers
Presentation in Seminar/Symposium/Conference/Workshop
Thesis writing
Software in Agricultural Research
Research Project Proposal, Format and Screening
Ethical Issues in Agronomic Research