About the Book:
This book, ‘Communication Skills’ in Pharmacy has been written to attract the the interest of undergraduate students of Pharmacy, so that they can explore and comprehend the basics of communication skills required in Pharmacy field. Students often encounter difficulties in communication which leads to conflict and frustration in both professional and personal life. The book aims at eradicating the difficulties of students by providing basic information on how to explore themselves and their inter-relations wherever they exist. Successful communication can deepen relations in personal life or professional life. In personal life, the book can help understand better the people and situations that happen on a daily basis. Students can develope communication skills which can help them avoid conflicts, compromise and help in better decision making. This book will prepare the young pharmacy students to interact effectively with doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists and other health workers. The students shall gain sound knowledge in soft skills, so that they can work cohesively with the team as a team player and will add value to the
pharmaceutical business.
The book has been written as per the PCI syllabus containing 5 units. Each unit is divided into chapters related to basics of communication skills and relevant questions along with answer keys to aid students during their examination.
Understand the behavioral needs for a Pharmacist to function effectively in the
areas of pharmaceutical operation.
Communicate effectively (Verbal and Non Verbal).
Effectively manage the team as a team player.
Develop interview skills.
Develop Leadership qualities and essentials.
Develop Presentation skills
Develop effective writing skills.