About the Book
Due to enormous use of chemicals, pesticides, allopathic medicines etc. in herbal medicines, cosmetics, ayurvedic dosage forms and research in the field of herbal formulations, it has became absolutely necessary to explore the nature’s gift to overcome various unwanted diseases as well as problems. Therefore, the coming era is of Ayurveda as well as ayurvedic formulations. In this era, there occurs a cut and throat competition, results in admixture of sub-standard, adulterated and spurious drugs etc. with the genuine drugs leads to blaming of ayurvedic drug. Therefore, proper identification and quality standards are absolutely necessary for ayurvedic drugs for universally acceptance.
This book is sincere attempt to create the interest of students in this fast developing branch of pharmaceutical education and it provides concise and point to point information required during practical courses under one roof and eliminates the need to refer too many texts during regular practical classes. This book covers all practical’s as per PCI syllabus and uniformly accepted for all universities. It is an
attempt to cover maximum practical aspects of pharmacognosy which would impart the knowledge of this subject, during the practical courses in a simple, illustrative and precise way.
Analysis of crude drugs by chemical tests
Determination of stomatal number and stomatal index of given leaf sample
Determination of vein islet number, veinlet termination number and palisade ratio of given leaf sample
Determination of size of starch grains by eyepiece micrometer
Determination of size of calcium oxalate crystals by eyepiece micrometer
Determination of bre length and width of given crude drug
Determination of no. of starch grains by Lycopodium spore method
Determination of ash value of given powdered crude drug by using mufe furnace
Determination of extractive values of given crude drug
Determination of moisture content of given crude drug
Determination of swelling index of a given crude drug
Determination of foaming index of saponin containing crude drug