About the Book
General Livestock Management is Unit 1 of Livestock Production Management course under VCI syllabus of the B.V.Sc., & AH program in India. The book is to give an introduction to the management of livestock. The
entire syllabus of the course is divided into thirteen chapters and reputed teachers of prestigious Veterinary colleges in India have contributed to the book. The first chapter analysed the demographic distribution of livestock and its role in Indian economy. Second chapter discussed prospects and problems of livestock industry in India. Third chapter has given the common terms used for livestock management. In chapter four, methodology of judging and body conformation of livestock are discussed. Chapter five is
about the identification methods of livestock. Chapter six, seven and eight described about the farm management practices of livestock rearing, administration of drugs and common vices of farm animals respectively. Chapter nine is about livestock production system including animal holdings and land holdings patterns. Chapter ten has given the scope of organic livestock production in the present age. Chapter eleven has outlined the genetic basis of selection and culling of livestock. Chapter twelve is about
the training to be given to livestock and pets when taken for livestock or pet show. Chapter thirteen has given an exhaustive information on the transportation of livestock, wild and zoo animals. We the authors of the book have taken utmost care to include all the information on the subjects discussed in each chapter and hope that this book will guide them for preparing for the course and their career.
Demographic Distribution of Livestock and Role In Indian Economy
Prospects and Problems of Livestock Industry in India
Common Animal Husbandry Terms
Body Conformation, Judging and BCS in Cattle
Identication Methods in Livestock
Common Farm Management Practices: Disinfection, Isolation,
Quarantine and Disposal of Carcass
Methods of Drug Administration in Livestock
Common Vices of Animals (Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Equines), their Prevention and Care
Livestock Production Systems of Different Agro-Climatic Zones
Organic Livestock Production
Selection, Culling and Purchase of Livestock
Preparation of Animals for Show
Transportation of Livestock and Wild or Zoo Animals